20 Male Movie Stars Who Opened Up About Unhealthy Diet & Exercise Habits For Role

20 Male Movie Stars Who Opened Up About Unhealthy Diet & Exercise Habits For Role

In recent years, the body positivity movement has gained momentum, shedding light on how the film and television industries often promote disordered eating. While much of the conversation has focused on women, the unhealthy diet and exercise habits of male actors in Hollywood have largely been overlooked or normalized. Many male actors undergo extreme and unhealthy transformations for their roles, often without raising any red flags. Here are 20 male movie stars who have opened up about the pressures and unhealthy habits they adopted for their roles.

Jesse Metcalfe, during a panel at Epic Cons Chicago, revealed that he adopted unhealthy eating habits while filming “John Tucker Must Die” in 2006. He shared that he was not eating properly and was working out three times a day, spending any free time in the gym and eating salmon every night.

Jacob Elordi, who played Elvis Presley in “Priscilla” (2023), consumed a pound of bacon daily to match Elvis’s preference for burnt bacon. He mentioned that it was the biggest he had ever been, despite his tall frame.

Matthew McConaughey lost 47 pounds for his role in “Dallas Buyers Club” (2013) by eating extremely small portions. He described his diet as “hardcore,” consisting of Diet Coke, egg whites, and a piece of chicken, leading to constant hunger and irritability.

Jared Leto also lost 40 pounds for “Dallas Buyers Club” by not eating, which affected his physical and mental state. He previously lost 28 pounds for “Requiem for a Dream” (2000) by nibbling on raw vegetables, leading to fainting spells on set. Conversely, he gained 60 pounds for “Chapter 27” (2007), which caused him to develop gout and require a wheelchair due to the pain.

Christian Bale is known for his drastic physical transformations. He lost 63 pounds for “The Machinist” (2004) by eating an apple, a can of tuna, and coffee daily. He later gained 40 pounds to play Dick Cheney in “Vice” (2018) by eating a lot of pies and consulting a professional to gain weight healthily.

Miles Teller, Jay Ellis, and Danny Ramirez underwent strict diets and workout regimens for “Top Gun: Maverick” (2022). Teller described his diet as exhausting, involving multiple meals and snacks throughout the day, while Ellis and Ramirez mentioned constant gym sessions and on-set exercises.

Channing Tatum, on “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” expressed his reluctance to do a third “Magic Mike” film due to the extreme physical shape required. He admitted that maintaining such a physique is not natural or healthy, involving starvation and intense workouts.

Bradley Cooper had to gain weight for “American Sniper” (2014) by consuming 6,000 calories a day, which he found challenging and monotonous. His diet included five meals, workout drinks, and energy bars.

Zac Efron, after filming “Baywatch” (2017), vowed never to be in that kind of shape again, describing the process as difficult and unrealistic. He revealed that he went years without eating carbs, which affected his mental state.

Alexander Skarsgård spent eight months eating and training for “The Legend of Tarzan” (2016), consuming 7,000 calories daily during the bulking phase and six small meals during the cutting phase, which drove him crazy with hunger.

Jai Courtney focused on getting lean for “Terminator Genisys” (2015) and bulking up for “Suicide Squad” (2016) by consuming large amounts of protein and enduring grueling workout schedules.

50 Cent lost over 50 pounds in 10 weeks for “All Things Fall Apart” (2011) by following a liquid diet and running on the treadmill for three hours daily. Despite concerns from his manager, he was determined to match the look he envisioned.

Chris Hemsworth lost 33 pounds in four weeks for “In the Heart of the Sea” (2015) by eating only 500 calories a day, which included a boiled egg, crackers, and a celery stick.

Matt Damon lost 50 pounds for a role in “Courage Under Fire” (1996) by consuming around 100 calories daily and running 13 miles, which caused health issues and required medication for a year and a half.

Tom Hardy revealed that the physical transformations for “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012) have had lasting effects on his body, causing joint pain and making it harder to carry his children.

George Clooney gained 30 pounds in a month for “Syriana” (2005), describing the experience as miserable and unenjoyable, especially while in Italy. He later lost 30 pounds for “The Midnight Sky” (2020), which led to hospitalization due to pancreatitis.

These examples highlight the extreme and often unhealthy lengths male actors go to for their roles, shedding light on the pressures and dangers within Hollywood.

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