7 Characters from ‘The Carol Burnett Show’ that Still Bring the Laughs

7 Characters from ‘The Carol Burnett Show’ that Still Bring the Laughs

Comedy can quickly become outdated as styles, mannerisms, and references lose their appeal faster than ever. This rapid evolution often leaves some TV shows seeming outdated in no time at all. However, when you revisit some of the more popular recurring sketches from “The Carol Burnett Show,” it becomes clear that much of the humor holds up remarkably well.

Although some references might be lost on the Gen Z and even millennial crowd, there’s definitely an appeal to watching talented sketch comedians try to make each other “break,” or laugh, during the performances. The warmth and camaraderie resonating from the Carol Burnett Show cast keep the show’s characters and sketches timelessly funny.

While guest stars were always a highlight of the program, the core cast of the sketch comedy series was comprised of Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, and Vicki Lawrence. With Carol Burnett having a bit of a renaissance, particularly on the Apple TV+ series “Palm Royale”—at the age of 91!—we thought it would be fun to take a look at some of the characters from the popular sketch show that ran for 11 seasons from 1967-1978 and see if they still make us laugh. Spoiler Alert: they do.

From Carol Burnett’s surprisingly human Queen Elizabeth II to Tim Conway’s lovable hard-of-hearing Mickey Hart, here are seven characters from “The Carol Burnett Show” that still bring the laughs:

1. **Queen Elizabeth II (Carol Burnett)** – Burnett’s portrayal of the British monarch was both regal and hilariously down-to-earth.
2. **Mickey Hart (Tim Conway)** – Conway’s character, a hard-of-hearing old man, never failed to deliver laughs with his misinterpretations.
3. **Eunice Harper Higgins (Carol Burnett)** – The long-suffering daughter in “The Family” sketches, Eunice’s dramatic flair was always a hit.
4. **Mama (Vicki Lawrence)** – As the sharp-tongued matriarch, Lawrence’s character was both intimidating and endearing.
5. **Mr. Tudball (Tim Conway)** – The bumbling boss with a thick accent, Mr. Tudball’s interactions with his secretary were comedy gold.
6. **Mrs. Wiggins (Carol Burnett)** – The ditzy secretary to Mr. Tudball, Mrs. Wiggins’ cluelessness was a perfect foil to her boss.
7. **The Oldest Man (Tim Conway)** – Conway’s portrayal of the world’s oldest man, moving at a snail’s pace, was a masterclass in physical comedy.

These characters, brought to life by a talented cast, continue to entertain audiences, proving that great comedy can indeed stand the test of time.

Source: CBS, Apple TV+

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