New Book, First Year of Marriage, and Plans for Motherhood

New Book, First Year of Marriage, and Plans for Motherhood

Loreto Sesma is eagerly anticipating the release of her first novel, set to debut after the summer. At just 28 years old, she is transitioning to this new genre after publishing six poetry collections over the past decade. We had the opportunity to chat with the influencer at the Icónica Santalucía Sevilla Fest, organized and sponsored by Santalucía Seguros, where she discussed her upcoming project, summer plans, and her relationship with Guillermo Bárcenas, the leader of the band Taburete, as they celebrated their first wedding anniversary in May.

"I’m really happy to be in Sevilla. I’m launching a new book after summer, so you can imagine how excited I am," Loreto expressed. She admitted feeling a bit nervous about discussing her new project during a meeting with her editors. This novel is particularly special to her, as it’s her first foray into fiction after a successful career in poetry. "Ultimately, I needed a change; I have six poetry books on the market, and it was time to explore something different."

When asked if she feels any pressure regarding the release, Loreto replied, "A little, because it seems like it has to be a success. This is completely different in terms of genre and theme." She mentioned that while her prior work reflected her sweeter side, her novel would reveal a more rebellious and raw aspect of herself. "Yes, absolutely, it’s a part of me," she affirmed.

Loreto reflects on her writing process, which has evolved significantly with her transition to novel-writing. "In poetry, I start with an emotion or feeling and just get it down on paper. But writing a novel is more methodical. I work every day on my writing, so I write after I finish my other tasks and on weekends, as I don’t take breaks."

As summer approaches, Loreto has her plans set. She will retreat to Marbella, her spiritual getaway, while Guillermo juggles his concert schedule. "I need to plan my vacations around Guillermo’s calendar. We usually travel in June or October, ahead of his tours." During her time in Marbella, Loreto intends to continue working, spending afternoons at the beach for relaxation, and writing in the evenings, as she finds mornings challenging for her creativity.

Professionally, she’s already brainstorming ideas for a second novel. "I want to see how people receive this first book before exploring new ideas. It would be a dream to see it adapted into a film or series. But for now, I’ll focus on this release."

On a personal level, Loreto’s aspirations are straightforward: she wants to be happy. "I’ve learned that happiness isn’t just about thrilling moments but rather about finding peace. While I love excitement, it’s about balance."

As for family plans, she acknowledged the frequent inquiries. "People often ask if I plan to become a mother. I always say that if I show up one day with a baby bump, you’ll know! Indeed, I see motherhood in my future."

Loreto’s journey highlights the blend of professional ambition and personal fulfillment, navigating through the delicate balance of life, love, and creativity. For more insights about Loreto’s work and life, you can follow her on Instagram @l.sesma.

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