Lula and His Vision of the Current World

Lula and His Vision of the Current World

These days, it’s challenging to pick a side in American politics, particularly in the context of the upcoming elections. With just a hundred days left, American voters face a choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the current vice president. In Latin America, however, there seems to be a slight preference emerging. Many remember that Joe Biden was supportive of Lula da Silva during the 2022 presidential election in Brazil. He also showed understanding towards Gustavo Petro in Colombia and has, so far, refrained from trying to intervene in attempts to oust Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. His administration has not taken any steps to aid the coup plotters in Bolivia either. This approach reflects a broader strategy focused on limiting interference in the southern hemisphere, aligning with Biden’s priority to counter Russia, which has been viewed as the main adversary over the past four years.

This backdrop explains Brazilian President Lula da Silva’s recent pro-Biden comments. In an extensive interview, the leader of the Workers’ Party expressed his long-standing admiration for Biden, recalling their interactions in Chile when Biden was vice president under Barack Obama. Lula said he was thrilled when Biden became the Democratic candidate in 2020 and even more so when he won the election. He praised Biden’s strong pro-worker rhetoric, suggesting that if such a speech were given in another country, it would likely be labeled as communist.

Lula reiterated his respect for Biden, emphasizing that only Biden could determine his readiness to run again. He expressed hopes that the Democrats would choose a strong candidate for the upcoming election, stating that it wasn’t his place to select the U.S. president. Instead, he sees his role as fostering a civilized relationship with whoever holds the office, whether they are a Democrat or Trump. Lula underlined the importance of maintaining a respectful diplomatic relationship between Brazil and the U.S., countries that share a long-standing history.

This viewpoint, however, is not welcomed by authoritarian regimes. The practice of critical, professional journalism remains a cornerstone of democracy, often irritating those who believe they are the gatekeepers of the truth.

During the conference, when asked about relations with Argentina, Lula responded that restoring Brazil’s international image and participation in global geopolitics has been one of his objectives since taking office on January 1, 2023. He stressed that Brazil has the necessary size, population, technological expertise, and intellectual base to be a key player on the world stage, but this requires mutual respect. He noted having two significant meetings with Argentina, one bilateral and one multilateral, to address key issues last year.

Lula clearly stated that he does not have a say in who becomes the president of Argentina and, therefore, does not concern himself with Javier Milei’s rhetoric. What he seeks is mutual respect, demanding that any leader prioritize the people’s interests above their own. He emphasized that there is no place for personal friendships between heads of state; instead, he expects a civilized relationship with Argentina.

In discussing democracy globally, Lula shared his vision for a meeting at the United Nations parallel to the General Assembly, aimed at uniting democratic leaders across the world. He believes it’s critical to discuss how to uphold democratic principles and ensure that the Constitution is respected, allowing the people to choose their leaders.

Lula voiced concern over the current state of democracy, noting a shift over the past fifty years. Previously, the left fought against the system, while now the right seems to adopt an anti-system stance, accusing the left of being the establishment. He recognizes that, as a government leader, he must work within the system even if he does not represent it entirely.

He expressed that maintaining respectful relations with Argentina is vital, and if Milei believes he can perform his duties without attending significant summits, it’s not his place to judge, but rather the responsibility of the Argentine people to evaluate his actions.

Lula also articulated his admiration for the European Union, describing it as a democratic heritage of humanity. He commended the unity achieved in Europe after WWII, establishing a central bank and a common currency. However, he criticized Europe for entering the Ukraine-Russia conflict too hastily, suggesting they should have pursued a path of peace instead. According to him, defeating leaders like Putin or Zelensky is not a straightforward task.


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