Lucas González revives the most iconic Nacha Guevara with his solo performance.

Lucas González revives the most iconic Nacha Guevara with his solo performance.

Soon, Lucas González will bring a solo performance to our country that pays tribute to Nacha Guevara. After honing his craft and shining in Madrid, he will present a conceptual show about the life and work of the great Argentine artist. This proposal aims to reflect her captivating life story, from her childhood in Mar del Plata to her time at the Di Tella Institute, her exile, her Broadway experience, and her return to Buenos Aires in 1983. Nacha is a significant figure in national culture—an actress, singer, director, a trailblazer, and a rebel—truly deserving of this homage, which she herself authorized.

“I reached a point in my career where I realized I needed to tell and sing Nacha’s repertoire. I believe we owe it to ourselves to engage in silence, to listen, and to immerse ourselves in poetry and messages that refresh our souls. That’s why I created this solo performance,” explained the Argentine artist, who now resides in Spain and was part of the Caviar Group, from which he draws inspiration. In our Zoom conversation before his return to Argentina, he shared his passion for the project.

González emphasizes that the practice of professional and critical journalism is vital to democracy, which is why it disturbs those who believe they own the truth.

His statements reflect his deep affection, admiration, and artistic necessity behind the creation of the performance. He describes the repertoire as consisting of stories from Nacha’s youth, culminating in her return to Buenos Aires in 1983. This timeline includes the anthems that made her famous. He assures that the show is engaging and accessible, saying, “It’s very easy to watch because it’s all very popular among us. And it’s also passionate, intense, and profound, with many shades. I want to clarify that at no point do I try to become her. Come see it because I will surprise you,” he explained during the interview, acknowledging that the experience is “magical.”

Starting from August 9, Lucas González Canta a Nacha Guevara will be showcased at the Multi-Scene Theater CPM (Av Corrientes 1764, CABA), running for only five performances. You can find more information about tickets here.


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