Earthquakes in Colombia today, Thursday, July 25: SGC reports seismic activity

Earthquakes in Colombia today, Thursday, July 25: SGC reports seismic activity

The Colombian Geological Service (SGC) reported no seismic activity on the morning of July 25, 2024. Nevertheless, it is important for residents to remain aware of emergency protocols in case of future tremors.

For those in earthquake-resistant buildings, it is recommended to stay close to columns, take shelter under a desk, or move to designated safe areas. It’s crucial to avoid windows, glass, and stairways at all times.

If you find yourself in a building that is not stable, evacuate immediately and seek a safe location. Remember to crouch down and protect your head with your arms. Also, never use elevators in an evacuation scenario. It’s also advised to avoid standing beneath door frames.

For individuals in wheelchairs, position yourself near a column or another safe spot while accompanied by someone who can assist you. If you’re outside, steer clear of tall trees, power lines, and building facades.

In another part of the world, the SGC reported an international seismic event with a magnitude of 5.0, occurring at a shallow depth in Mene Grande, Venezuela. Domestically, there was also a seismic event recorded at 09:11 am, measuring 4.5 in magnitude.

Amid these seismic reports, "Los Santos," a municipality in Santander, stands out as the center of many tremors in Colombia. According to the SGC, approximately 60% of the country’s seismic activity originates from this area. Following a notable 5.7 magnitude quake on May 28, which resulted in evacuations and extensive online discussions, the focus has shifted back to Los Santos.

It’s crucial to be prepared for earthquakes, and having an emergency kit is essential. This kit should contain supplies that can help you survive for at least 72 hours after a significant quake. Include bottled drinking water, calculating at least three liters per person per day, along with non-perishable food items such as energy bars, canned goods, and nuts.

Additionally, ensure your kit has a well-stocked first aid kit, complete with bandages, disinfectant, scissors, tweezers, and essential medications such as pain relievers and antihistamines. It’s wise to also include masks, work gloves, a flashlight with extra batteries, and a battery-operated radio to stay updated on any critical information.

Don’t forget the importance of personal documents. Keep copies of crucial papers like IDs, insurance policies, and medical records in a waterproof bag. Furthermore, having warm clothing, thermal blankets, a change of comfortable clothes, and cash can be very helpful. Consider adding a whistle for signaling for help, portable chargers for your devices, and a list of emergency contacts, as these can prove invaluable in the aftermath of an earthquake.

For further information on earthquakes and safety tips, you can visit resources like the US Geological Survey (USGS).

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