Why Mark Zuckerberg sings Mi Shebeirach to his daughters at bedtime

Why Mark Zuckerberg sings Mi Shebeirach to his daughters at bedtime

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has recently shared a deeply personal aspect of his life that resonates with many. During a commencement address at Harvard University, he revealed that he sings a Jewish prayer called “Mi Shebeirach” to his daughters at bedtime. This prayer, which he recites whenever he faces significant challenges, holds a special place in his heart, especially as he reflects on his children’s futures.

The “Mi Shebeirach” is a traditional Jewish prayer for healing, often recited for those who are ill or facing difficulties. It is a prayer that invokes blessings and strength, asking for courage to navigate life’s challenges. Zuckerberg quoted a version of the prayer, saying, “May the source of strength who blessed the ones before us help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing.” This sentiment is not just a ritual for Zuckerberg; it embodies his hopes and aspirations for his daughters as they grow.

Zuckerberg’s connection to this prayer is not merely a nod to his Jewish heritage. It reflects a broader search for meaning and purpose in a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of finding a sense of purpose, especially in today’s rapidly changing landscape where traditional sources of identity, such as jobs and community affiliations, are diminishing.

He shared that when he was growing up, many people found their sense of purpose through their work, religious institutions, or community involvement. However, with the rise of technology and automation, many of these avenues are becoming less reliable. Zuckerberg urged the graduating class to seek out projects that are larger than themselves, to redefine equality, and to foster community on a global scale.

The “Mi Shebeirach” prayer serves as a reminder of the strength that comes from community and tradition. It is a call to action, encouraging individuals to contribute positively to the world around them. Zuckerberg’s choice to sing this prayer to his daughters is a way of instilling these values in them from a young age. It is a ritual that not only connects them to their Jewish roots but also teaches them about resilience and the importance of helping others.

In a recent podcast appearance, Zuckerberg elaborated on this bedtime ritual, revealing that he has a gold necklace engraved with the Hebrew words of the prayer. This personal touch adds another layer to his commitment to passing on these traditions to his children. He described the “Mi Shebeirach” as a “prayer for health and courage,” emphasizing its significance in his life and the lives of his family.

Zuckerberg’s journey with faith and spirituality has evolved over the years. Although he has identified as an atheist in the past, he has recently expressed a renewed appreciation for the role of religion in providing guidance and meaning. His acknowledgment of both Christmas and Hanukkah in a social media post last year highlighted this shift, as he embraced the importance of these traditions in his life.

The “Mi Shebeirach” prayer, particularly the version popularized by Debbie Friedman, has become a staple in many synagogues across the United States. It is often sung during services, especially when congregations pray for the healing of loved ones. This communal aspect of the prayer aligns with Zuckerberg’s belief in the power of community and the need for individuals to support one another.

As Zuckerberg continues to navigate the complexities of his role as a tech leader and a father, the “Mi Shebeirach” serves as a guiding light. It is a reminder of the strength that comes from tradition, the importance of courage in the face of adversity, and the need to create a life that is a blessing not only for oneself but for others as well.

In a world where many feel disconnected and lost, Zuckerberg’s commitment to this prayer and the values it represents offers a glimmer of hope. It encourages individuals to seek out their own sense of purpose and to contribute to the greater good. By sharing this personal ritual with his daughters, he is not only nurturing their spiritual growth but also fostering a sense of responsibility towards the world around them.

Ultimately, the “Mi Shebeirach” is more than just a prayer; it is a call to action for all of us. It challenges us to find the courage to make our lives a blessing, to support one another in times of need, and to build a community that uplifts and empowers. As Zuckerberg continues to share this message with his family and the world, it serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that tradition and spirituality can have on our lives.

Source: Various news outlets

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