Stunning Treasure Unearthed in Oregon’s Abandoned Storage Unit

Stunning Treasure Unearthed in Oregon’s Abandoned Storage Unit

Wade Venture, a 37-year-old individual, has experienced purchasing between 400 to 500 storage units over the years, but one particular find stands out as an astounding exception to the norm in this field. Venture shared that it’s unusual to come across a unit as special as this one, noting that such units often contain household items or garbage. He often donates most of what he finds to charity until he stumbled upon this hidden treasure.

In an extraordinary find, Venture uncovered a storage unit completely filled with designer clothes valued at an estimated $70,000. The purchase was made on March 27, based solely on a few photographs he had seen. Venture, who usually finds a mix of 30% new and 70% used items, was surprised to discover that everything in this unit was new. This rarity was underscored by the presence of more than 400 pairs of shoes, including luxury brands like Gucci and Coach, along with fur coats and other items valued at $8,000, many of which still had their tags on.

The previous owner, a woman whose identity remains unknown, seemed to have been hoarding these items for some time. Venture speculated that she wasn’t just purchasing everyday items but was shopping at high-end stores such as Macy’s and JCPenney. This unusual buying behavior led him to believe that the woman might have struggled with a shopping addiction, possibly keeping it hidden from her partner.

Now, Venture has begun to resell the items found within the unit. With individual coats valued at $1,500, he is starting to calculate the potential profit from all the merchandise. He shares these finds and many others on his social media channels, including Instagram and YouTube at @wadesventures, offering viewers an inside look at this and other discoveries.

Venture suspects that the former owner may have had a problematic relationship with shopping, leading to the accumulation of these items. Nevertheless, finding a unit like this one is exceptionally rare and special, making it an incredible experience for him. From fur coats to shoes, the entire find suggests a significant consumption issue, marking it as a genuinely unique and noteworthy discovery in the world of storage unit buying.

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