Selena Gomez Discusses If Her Younger Self Would Date Benny Blanco

Selena Gomez Discusses If Her Younger Self Would Date Benny Blanco


Selena Gomez Discusses If Her Younger Self Would Date Benny Blanco

In a recent interview, Selena Gomez opened up about her relationship with music producer Benny Blanco, sparking discussions about beauty standards and personal preferences in dating. The conversation took place during a lively segment on a popular podcast, where Gomez reflected on her past relationships and how her views on attraction have evolved over the years. The candid remarks from the star have resonated with fans and followers, leading to a broader dialogue about the nature of love and attraction.

Aspect Details
Interview Date October 2023
Participants Selena Gomez, Podcast Host
Key Topic Dating Preferences
Notable Mention Benny Blanco

Selena Gomez’s Perspective on Beauty Standards

During the podcast, Selena Gomez candidly discussed how societal beauty standards have influenced her dating choices in the past. She emphasized that her younger self might have been swayed by conventional attractiveness, but as she matured, her understanding of beauty transformed. Gomez stated, “I used to think that looks were everything, but now I realize that personality and how someone treats you are far more important.” This statement reflects a growing trend among young people who are beginning to prioritize emotional connection over physical appearance.

Gomez’s comments also touched on the idea that beauty is subjective. She mentioned that while some may view Benny Blanco as unconventional in his looks, she finds his personality and character to be incredibly attractive. “It’s all about the connection you have with someone,” she added, reinforcing the notion that love transcends physical attributes. This perspective is particularly relevant in today’s society, where social media often amplifies unrealistic beauty standards.

The Relationship Between Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco

Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco have been friends for years, collaborating on various musical projects. Their recent public appearances, including a courtside outing at a Knicks game, have sparked speculation about the nature of their relationship. Gomez’s playful demeanor around Blanco has led fans to wonder if there is more than just friendship between the two. In her interview, Gomez addressed these rumors, stating, “Benny is a great friend, and we have a lot of fun together. I think people enjoy seeing us together because we genuinely care for each other.”

Blanco, known for his work with artists like Justin Bieber and Maroon 5, has often been the subject of online jokes regarding his appearance. However, Gomez defended him, stating that his talent and kindness far outweigh any superficial judgments. “People need to look beyond the surface,” she remarked, highlighting the importance of valuing individuals for their character rather than their looks.

Reflections on Past Relationships

As the conversation progressed, Gomez reflected on her past relationships and how they shaped her understanding of love. She admitted that she had dated individuals who were considered conventionally attractive but found that those relationships often lacked depth. “I learned the hard way that looks can be deceiving,” she confessed. This revelation resonated with many listeners, as it underscores the importance of emotional compatibility in romantic partnerships.

Gomez’s experiences serve as a reminder that attraction is multifaceted. While physical appearance may initially draw someone in, it is the emotional connection and mutual respect that ultimately sustain a relationship. This insight is particularly valuable for younger audiences navigating the complexities of dating in a world dominated by social media and superficial judgments.

Public Reaction and Discussions

Selena Gomez’s remarks have sparked widespread discussions on social media platforms, with many fans expressing their support for her views on beauty and attraction. The hashtag #BeautyBeyondLooks trended on Twitter, as users shared their own experiences of dating individuals who may not fit conventional beauty standards but possess admirable qualities. Gomez’s candidness has encouraged many to embrace their unique preferences and challenge societal norms surrounding attractiveness.

Moreover, the conversation has prompted discussions about the importance of self-acceptance and body positivity. Many fans have praised Gomez for her authenticity and willingness to speak out against unrealistic beauty standards. This dialogue aligns with a broader movement advocating for diversity and inclusivity in the entertainment industry, where individuals of all shapes, sizes, and appearances are celebrated.

Conclusion: Embracing Individuality in Relationships

Selena Gomez’s reflections on her dating preferences and her relationship with Benny Blanco serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of individuality in romantic connections. As society continues to evolve, it is crucial to challenge traditional notions of beauty and embrace the diverse qualities that make each person unique. Gomez’s journey of self-discovery and her emphasis on emotional connection over physical appearance resonate with many, encouraging individuals to seek relationships that prioritize kindness, respect, and genuine connection.


1. What did Selena Gomez say about beauty standards?
Selena Gomez discussed how her views on beauty have evolved, emphasizing that personality and character are more important than physical appearance.
2. Who is Benny Blanco?
Benny Blanco is a music producer known for his work with various artists, including Justin Bieber and Maroon 5.
3. How did fans react to Gomez’s comments?
Fans expressed their support for Gomez’s views on social media, leading to discussions about beauty standards and the importance of emotional connection in relationships.
4. What is the significance of Gomez’s relationship with Blanco?
Gomez’s relationship with Blanco highlights the importance of valuing individuals for their character rather than their looks, challenging societal beauty norms.
5. What message does Gomez’s story convey to young audiences?
Gomez’s story encourages young audiences to prioritize emotional compatibility and self-acceptance in their dating lives, promoting a more inclusive understanding of beauty.
6. How has Gomez’s perspective influenced discussions on social media?
Gomez’s perspective has sparked conversations about body positivity and the importance of embracing individuality in relationships, resonating with many fans.


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