NewJeans made a significant splash with their debut on a terrestrial variety show, appearing on KBS2’s popular program ‘2 Days & 1 Night.’ The episode, which aired recently, featured the girl group joining the show’s regular cast for a series of entertaining and competitive games.
Yoo Seon-ho, one of the show’s members, expressed his curiosity by saying, “I hope they are younger than me,” while DinDin humorously warned, “Don’t look at them. Don’t show interest!” Na In-woo, unable to contain his excitement, hinted that the guest was a female group. Moon Se-yoon, however, remained skeptical, jokingly suggesting, “The writers are dressed up. It can’t be Celeb Five, right?” Kim Jong-min, trying to guess based on the laughter he heard, remarked, “They sound like elementary school kids.” From a distance, the ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ members noticed that the guests were a girl group with long hair.
NewJeans, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, wondered aloud, “Are we really supposed to make our entrance like this?” Haerin and Danielle, who lost a game of rock-paper-scissors, led the way, followed by Hani and Minji. As they approached, Na In-woo exclaimed, “Hey, there’s a foreign member! It’s NewJeans!” DinDin, still skeptical, responded, “What do you mean, NewJeans? Why would NewJeans be here?” Despite Na In-woo’s insistence, saying, “Trust me, I have Mongolian vision,” DinDin remained doubtful.
In this special episode, the ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ members transformed into the idol group ‘Heungcheongmangcheong’ and competed in various games against NewJeans. Four members of NewJeans, excluding the youngest member Hyein who was resting due to a foot injury, participated in the fun-filled episode.
As the games began, a clumsy member from NewJeans made frequent mistakes, prompting Na In-woo, known for his own clumsiness, to warmly say, “Nice to meet you.” Additionally, NewJeans took on the show’s signature luck-based games, showcasing their variety show skills and reacting with shock and amusement to Kim Jong-min’s exaggerated comedic demonstrations.
The episode, set in Cheorwon County, Gangwon Province, saw the ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ members preparing early in the morning, donning full makeup to welcome their guests. The arrival of NewJeans, known for their intense charisma and powerful performances, left the cast in awe.
Excluding Hyein, who was absent due to her injury, Minji, Hanni, Danielle, and Haerin made their first appearance on a terrestrial variety show. Minji and Haerin, revealing themselves as fans of the show, referenced Kim Jong-min’s legendary “Possible” scene, much to his delight, leading to bouts of laughter from the NewJeans members.
Before the battle began, NewJeans strategized and prepared for the games. Despite provocations from the ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ members, asking if they should “go easy,” NewJeans remained unfazed and confidently asserted themselves.
As the games commenced, even NewJeans wasn’t immune to mistakes, with a particular member becoming the team’s weak link. This resonated with ‘2 Days & 1 Night’ member Na In-woo, who humorously greeted the member, recognizing a kindred spirit.
Additionally, NewJeans took on the show’s signature “Bokbulbok” games, which test the members with unexpected challenges. The NewJeans members showcased their surprising variety show skills, reacting with shock and amusement to Kim Jong-min’s exaggerated comedic demonstrations.
The episode was a great way for fans to discover NewJeans in a new light and has enabled their growing popularity to be strengthened. The members of the group showed their charm and their talent, and they integrated well into the dynamics of the show. The episode was a great way for fans to discover NewJeans in a new light and has enabled their growing popularity to be strengthened.