A Chilean senator defended his father convicted of child sexual abuse: ‘He was recorded without consent’

A Chilean senator defended his father convicted of child sexual abuse: ‘He was recorded without consent’

Javier Macaya, the senator and leader of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI), one of the largest political parties in Chile, recently spoke out about his father, Eduardo Macaya Zentilli. The elder Macaya was sentenced to six years in prison for sexually abusing two minors. During an appearance on Canal 13’s “Mesa Central,” Javier questioned the evidence used in the court’s decision and expressed his unwavering support for his father.

“The judicial decisions deserve respect,” Javier stated, although he admitted that the situation is extremely painful for him. He acknowledged the emotional turmoil that comes from being the child of someone accused of such serious crimes. “Of course, as a son, I stand by my father,” he affirmed.

Javier, who also testified during the trial, clarified that he was not involved in his father’s legal defense. He noted that clients often do the worst job of representing themselves when their feelings are deeply engaged, emphasizing that he was not part of that strategy.

He rejected claims that the accusation had divided his family. “None of my family is in denial or turning a blind eye; contrary to what some media outlets have suggested, we are united,” he said. He highlighted that various professionals support his viewpoint.

The UDI leader further asserted that his father did not receive any special privileges when his preventive prison sentence was changed to house arrest after paying approximately $150,000. “There is a judicial decision, and my duty as a senator, or as any Chilean, is to respect it,” he remarked. He also reminded listeners of the constitutional principle of presumption of innocence, which remains in effect until a definitive sentence is reached.

Javier criticized the prosecution’s evidence, arguing that it stemmed from a family situation where a person was recorded without consent, and he described the video evidence as heavily edited. He stressed the importance of recognizing an individual’s right to defend themselves amid such circumstances.

When asked about his initial comments made over a year ago, asserting his father’s innocence, Javier explained that those remarks were based on personal knowledge and conversations with the children’s parents, who shared a similar belief regarding his father’s innocence.

Macaya reiterated that he would not resign from his presidency at UDI, emphasizing his responsibility to the 50,000 voters who elected him senator and to the party, especially with municipal registration deadlines approaching.

It’s notable that Eduardo Macaya Zentilli, currently held in preventive custody due to flight risk, has ten days to request the annulment of his trial.

On the same day, Antonia Orellana, the Minister of Women and Gender Equity, spoke on CNN Chile, expressing her disappointment in seeing a senator defending his father’s innocence in light of the robust evidence presented. She described it as a message of neglect toward victims and highlighted the struggles of those, especially children, who report sexual abuse, reminding that the responsibility for such actions lies solely with the perpetrator.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2024/07/22/un-senador-chileno-defendio-a-su-padre-condenado-por-abuso-sexual-de-menores-fue-grabado-sin-consentimiento/

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