A Libertarian Senator Criticizes Milei Over His Conflict with Villarruel and Warns About Loss of Credibility

A Libertarian Senator Criticizes Milei Over His Conflict with Villarruel and Warns About Loss of Credibility

Francisco Paoltroni, a senator from La Libertad Avanza (LLA), criticized President Javier Milei over the ongoing conflict with his running mate, Victoria Villarruel, and the internal division impacting their party.

When asked about his stance in the dispute, Paoltroni asserted that he is “in the right place” and remains focused on the goal of dismantling the established political system to transform the country. He believes that such internal conflicts lead to a loss of credibility and trust among supporters. “If you stray from the goal that brought us here, the results won’t be what we want,” he emphasized. Since the beginning, he has raised concerns about anything that deviates from their objective, as he feels this is a way to contribute without being obsequious. He noted the negative consequences of being obsequious in their history.

He further commented that dismissing individuals who disagree with one’s opinions can lead to being surrounded by sycophants, which he believes is the situation the President currently faces. “Villarruel is not a sycophant, and it’s wrong to go against her,” Paoltroni explained.

Meanwhile, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni addressed the tension between President Milei and Vice President Villarruel. This discord arose from a controversy surrounding a racially charged song sung by the Argentine national team after winning the 2024 Copa América.

Adorni remarked, “This issue generated unnecessary media noise. There are differing personal opinions mixed with football passions and governmental passions.” He described the situation as “more noise than substance” and dismissed it as trivial. However, he did confirm that President Milei and Vice President Villarruel had not spoken during this time.

Regarding Villarruel’s comments about allegations made by the French Football Federation against Enzo Fernández, Milei stated, “You can’t create an institutional mess over a sporting issue.” He later mentioned in an interview that the problems created were “resolved” by his sister, Karina Milei.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/cordoba/un-senador-libertario-critico-a-milei-por-su-conflicto-con-villarruel-y-advierte-sobre-la-perdida-de-credibilidad.phtml

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