‘A Nation in Serious Decline: GOP Platform is an Unhinged List of Trump Lies’

‘A Nation in Serious Decline: GOP Platform is an Unhinged List of Trump Lies’

The Republican Party has officially embraced a platform that mirrors the erratic and conspiratorial rhetoric of Donald Trump, the convicted felon they are promoting as their presidential candidate. On Monday, the Republican National Committee’s platform committee adopted a document that is less a serious expression of governance and more a collection of Trumpian falsehoods and fearmongering. Titled “2024 GOP PLATFORM MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”—complete with a missing colon and an exclamation point—the document underscores the party’s descent into political absurdity.

The preamble of the platform is filled with random capitalizations and other stylistic choices reminiscent of Trump’s communication style. For instance, it declares, “But now we are a Nation in SERIOUS DECLINE,” with “SERIOUS” in all caps to emphasize the gravity of the situation. This sets the tone for the rest of the document, which is a 20-point list of promises written in all caps, as if to underscore their importance.

The platform begins with xenophobic promises to “SEAL THE BORDER, AND STOP THE MIGRANT INVASION” and to “CARRY OUT THE LARGEST DEPORTATION OPERATION IN AMERICAN HISTORY.” These points are followed by vague and unrealistic promises like “END INFLATION, AND MAKE AMERICA AFFORDABLE AGAIN,” which raises the question of why such solutions have not been implemented already if they are so straightforward.

The fourth promise, “MAKE AMERICA THE DOMINANT ENERGY PRODUCER IN THE WORLD, BY FAR!” includes an exclamation point, further highlighting the document’s lack of seriousness. Other points include anti-woke rhetoric such as “CANCEL THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE MANDATE” and “KEEP MEN OUT OF WOMEN’S SPORTS.” The platform also includes broad, undefined goals like “PREVENT WORLD WAR THREE” and “REBUILD OUR CITIES,” which seem more like slogans than actionable policies.

What is striking is the absence of certain promises that one might expect from Trump, such as “CANCEL ALL FUTURE VOTING CUZ IT’S DUM” or “CUT FEDERAL FUNDING FOR ANY SCHOOL THAT DOES NOT TEACH STUDENTS THAT DONALD TRUMP WON THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND IS THE BEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME.” These omissions, however, do not detract from the overall tone of the document, which is a mix of fearmongering and empty promises.

In contrast, the Democratic Party is currently engaged in a serious debate about President Joe Biden’s future, following his lackluster debate performance. This internal discussion shows a level of maturity and responsibility that is starkly absent in the GOP. While Biden’s performance has led to a decline in his poll numbers, the Democratic Party’s willingness to consider alternatives demonstrates a commitment to effective governance.

Pollster Nate Silver has noted that Biden’s poll numbers are likely to decline further as more post-debate surveys are released. According to Silver’s model, Trump currently leads Biden by 2.7 percentage points in national polling averages, and Biden’s win probability has dropped to 28 percent. This decline is attributed to Biden’s challenging debate performance, which has caused concern among some Democrats about his viability as a candidate.

Despite these challenges, the Democratic Party’s approach to Biden’s future stands in stark contrast to the GOP’s embrace of Trump and his unhinged platform. The very fact that Democrats are willing to engage in soul-searching and consider the future of their leadership shows a level of seriousness that is absent in the Republican Party.

The GOP’s platform is a reflection of a party that has fully embraced Trumpism, with its reliance on fear, resentment, and conspiracy theories. This is not a new development but rather the continuation of a long-standing pattern within the Republican Party. Since the 1950s, the GOP has repeatedly exploited fear and prejudice to win elections, a tactic that has now culminated in the party’s full-throated embrace of Trump and his divisive rhetoric.

The history of the Republican Party is filled with instances of pandering to extremists and promoting unhinged paranoia. From Dwight D. Eisenhower’s reluctant alliance with Joe McCarthy to Ronald Reagan’s courting of the Christian right, the GOP has consistently aligned itself with far-right elements to secure electoral victories. This pattern has continued with Trump, who has brought together a coalition of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and other fringe groups.

In conclusion, the Republican Party’s 2024 platform is a testament to a party in serious decline, one that has abandoned serious policy proposals in favor of Trumpian lies and fearmongering. As the Democratic Party grapples with its future, the contrast between the two parties could not be more stark. The GOP’s embrace of Trump and his divisive rhetoric raises serious questions about its ability to govern effectively and responsibly.

Source: USA TODAY, The Hill, Mother Jones

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