A survey ranked Victoria Villarruel as the most valued official.

A survey ranked Victoria Villarruel as the most valued official.

Amid the ongoing public disagreement between Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel, sparked by comments from the Senate president about France, a recent survey examined the performance of various government officials across the three branches of government. The results placed the vice president at the top as the most favorably regarded political figure.

The survey, conducted online by the consulting firm Solmoirago, included responses from 1,600 individuals aged 16 and older throughout the country. The polling took place from July 7 to July 13, with a margin of error of +/-2.45% and a confidence level of 95%.

Manuel Adorni attempted to downplay the tensions between Milei and Villarruel, acknowledging that they have not spoken for several days.

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The survey revealed that both the national government’s image and President Javier Milei’s performance received more than 50 points in positive feedback from respondents. Specifically, 20.4% of participants described the national management as “very good,” while 32.7% deemed it “good.” Conversely, 29.6% rated it as “very bad,” and 13.3% considered it “bad.”

When evaluated individually, the president garnered a positive image of 55.2% and a negative image of 41%. Villarruel had a positive rating of 51.6% compared to a negative rating of 37%. Among other libertarian officials assessed were Security Minister Patricia Bullrich, with a positive image of 48.6% against a negative of 46.35%, and presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni, who received 46.5% positive and 44% negative ratings. Economy Minister Luis “Toto” Caputo had a positive rating of 44.4% but 48.2% negative, while Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos rated at 43.6% positive and 38% negative. Chamber of Deputies President Martín Menem had a positive rating of 43.3% and a negative of 37.6%.

Lower on the list were presidential secretary Karina Milei, with 35.2% support and 46.2% rejection, and Human Capital Minister Sandra Pettovello, who received a positive rating of 33.8% against a negative of 29.3%.

The survey asked participants about their views on how government officials perform their duties. Villarruel stood out with a significant positive assessment for her role as vice president and Senate president, receiving a 47.5% positive image versus 37.7% negative. The president attained a positive rating of 48.2% and a negative of 43.4%. Other officials with favorable reviews included Adorni (47.3% positive compared to 42.6% negative), Bullrich (47.1% positive vs. 41.8% negative), Francos (40% positive and 37.5% negative), and Menem (36.5% positive and 27.8% negative).

Conversely, some officials faced more disapproval than support. Caputo had a negative rating of 44.9%, compared to a positive of 44.8%. Karina Milei also faced rejection, with 44.3% negative and 30.9% positive. The president of the Supreme Court, Horacio Rosatti, had 30.8% negative and 13.1% positive, and Pettovello was rated 36% negative and 12.8% positive.

When looking at the concerns of the Argentine people, the survey highlighted that respondents see insecurity (19.2%) and inflation/economy (17.4%) as the top issues the country faces. Unemployment (16.1%) also emerged as a pressing concern, a topic that had previously dropped in the hierarchy of problems. The study indicated that inflation, once the main worry, is now considered on par with other difficulties.

The remaining concerns listed were corruption (14.5%), politicians (11.4%), the government (7.7%), poverty (4.2%), education (1.2%), and health (0.4%).

Manuel Adorni confirmed during a press conference that Milei and Villarruel had not spoken recently. He tried to minimize the friction, stating that Villarruel’s comments about the French did not reflect the government’s stance. He dismissed the internal conflict as excessive media noise.

Adorni emphasized that the disagreement generated more buzz than necessary and acknowledged that while the issues might seem serious, they didn’t constitute a fundamental conflict. He also echoed sentiments from Francisco Paoltroni, a senator from La Libertad Avanza, who defended Villarruel and criticized the libertarian leadership for undermining a vice president.

Ultimately, Adorni called for respect for differing opinions within the governance framework.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/politica/en-medio-de-la-interna-a-cielo-abierto-con-milei-una-encuesta-ubico-a-villarruel-como-la-funcionaria-mas-valorada.phtml

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