Abad and the LNG Plant: ‘Kicillof Chooses Confrontation Over Working for the Benefit of the People of Buenos Aires’

Abad and the LNG Plant: ‘Kicillof Chooses Confrontation Over Working for the Benefit of the People of Buenos Aires’

The competition between the provinces of Buenos Aires and Río Negro to host the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant being developed by YPF and Petronas, which involves a massive investment of $50 billion, is heating up. National Senator Maximiliano Abad criticized Governor Axel Kicillof for “wasting time” and choosing confrontation instead of working to improve the quality of life for people in Buenos Aires.

This LNG plant is set to be the largest investment in Argentina’s history. Abad urged Kicillof to make this a priority and act swiftly, as Buenos Aires is in direct competition with Río Negro to have the project located in Bahía Blanca. He emphasized the need to create the right conditions to secure the establishment of this facility, which would position Argentina as a significant exporter of gas.

Abad highlighted that Kicillof’s refusal to join the provincial investment promotion regime, known as RIGI, is puzzling. He pointed out that the governor has yet to present a proposed initiative to the Legislature that would foster a favorable investment climate.

Abad remarked on the critical role of professional and critical journalism in democracy, stating that it irritates those who consider themselves the sole arbiters of truth.

“Bahía Blanca has the objective characteristics that undoubtedly make it the ideal location for this project, which will turn Vaca Muerta into a significant export reality. Technical and environmental studies have already been conducted, and the area is equipped with necessary infrastructure, skilled labor, and experience in the hydrocarbons sector,” the senator added.

He noted, however, that while Buenos Aires has great potential, it requires the ability to understand the situation and strong political determination to capitalize on it. Abad expressed his concern, saying, “Kicillof does not seem to realize that Río Negro is moving forward to secure the investment. He chooses confrontation instead of working for a better quality of life for the people of Buenos Aires.”

In his statement, Abad emphasized, “Argentina has the chance to become a key player in the global energy market and generate foreign currency to boost the economy and stimulate growth. The question is straightforward: Is Kicillof going to ensure that the province of Buenos Aires leads the nation’s development?”

Next month, executives from Petronas will arrive in Argentina to determine the location of the LNG plant. Abad concluded by saying that the provincial government can no longer afford to maintain this passive and inexplicable stance.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/actualidad/abad-y-la-planta-de-gnl-kicillof-elige-confrontar-en-lugar-de-trabajar-en-beneficio-de-los-bonaerenses.phtml

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