Actress Jane Fonda defends Biden’s mental fitness

Actress Jane Fonda defends Biden’s mental fitness

Actress Jane Fonda has come forward to defend President Joe Biden’s mental fitness, asserting that his age should not be seen as a hindrance to his ability to lead the country. In a recent interview with CNN, Fonda, who is 86 years old, emphasized that Biden, who is five years her junior, is perfectly capable of fulfilling his presidential duties.

Fonda, a well-known progressive activist, has a long history of political involvement. She famously posed on a North Vietnam anti-aircraft gun in 1972, a moment that has defined much of her public persona. Despite the controversies of her past, Fonda remains a vocal advocate for various causes, including climate change and social justice.

During the interview, Fonda highlighted the wisdom that comes with age. “I’m older than he is,” she said. “You do get wiser and you do learn things. You learn from your mistakes. I have seen him up close and personal and he’s fine. He’s perfectly suited to be President of the United States.”

Fonda’s comments came in response to remarks made by First Lady Jill Biden at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Jill Biden had been addressing concerns about her husband’s age, noting that both Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are of similar age. “Joe isn’t one of the most effective presidents of our lives in spite of his age, but because of it,” she said.

Fonda echoed this sentiment, contrasting Biden with Trump, whom she referred to as the “Orange Man.” She stressed the importance of having a leader who is approachable and willing to work with others. “We don’t need a demagogue,” Fonda stated. “There’s a lot about President Biden that I really admire and respect and like.”

In addition to her defense of Biden’s mental fitness, Fonda announced a new initiative called “Seniors for Biden-Harris” in Reno, Nevada, alongside Jill Biden. The initiative aims to mobilize older voters, emphasizing the value of age and experience. “Age is a gift, but there are those who devalue our wisdom and dismiss our experience,” the First Lady said.

Fonda, who is also a passionate climate activist, underscored the urgency of addressing the climate crisis. “That’s why I really want to elect Joe Biden because we’re running out of time,” she said. “I have grandchildren. I won’t be around to see the worst of it but we have to confront the climate crisis and we have to do it fast.”

Jill Biden has previously argued that her husband’s age is an asset rather than a liability. “This election is not about age. I mean Donald Trump is going to be 78 and Joe’s 81. They’re basically the same age,” she told the co-hosts of “The View” last month. “But, it’s about character. This election is about character.”

Fonda’s defense of Biden’s mental fitness is part of a broader effort to counteract ageist narratives in politics. She has previously spoken out against ageism in Hollywood, noting that while she feels her age physically, she remains mentally and spiritually youthful. “Spiritually and mentally and psychologically, I’m way younger,” Fonda said in a past interview. “One of the things that I’ve learned as I’ve gotten into serious old age is when you’re inside it as opposed to looking at it from the outside, it’s not nearly as scary.”

Fonda’s support for Biden is rooted in her belief that he is the right leader for the current moment, particularly in addressing the climate crisis. Her advocacy for Biden underscores the importance of experience and wisdom in leadership, challenging the notion that age should be a disqualifying factor.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Fonda’s endorsement of Biden’s mental fitness and her broader advocacy efforts will likely play a significant role in shaping public perception. Her comments serve as a reminder that age can bring valuable insights and experience, qualities that are essential in effective leadership.

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