Alejandro Soto barred press access during Permanent Commission session: IPYS and ANP respond

Alejandro Soto barred press access during Permanent Commission session: IPYS and ANP respond

On Wednesday, the Permanent Commission of Congress met, but journalists and media representatives were barred from attending. This restriction meant that reporters could not cover crucial discussions, including the debate and vote concerning the government’s nominee for the position of the new Comptroller General of the Republic. The meeting took place in the closed-off Sala Grau instead of the usual public setting in the main plenary chamber.

Only the official congressional channel was able to broadcast the session, which included the election of new members for the Board of Directors and the appointment of César Aguilar as Comptroller. At the beginning of the meeting, Congress President Alejandro Soto criticized the National Police for removing barriers on Avenida Abancay without proper coordination. He expressed concern that this unsanctioned action could compromise the security of the Legislative Palace.

Soto stated, “I am aware of the uncoordinated removal of security measures at the front perimeter of the Legislative Palace. I have instructed the Chief Officer to send a formal communication to the commander general of the National Police. We distance ourselves from any responsibility for incidents that could affect the safety of congresspersons, congressional staff, and the parliamentary facilities, especially given the current political climate and possible protests.”

In a statement, the Press and Society Institute (IPYS) condemned the media blockade, calling it an assault on transparency and the public’s right to access information. The statement highlighted that on July 24, 2024, Soto had prohibited journalists from attending the last session of the Permanent Commission, forcing reporters to follow along via the congressional channel.

The National Journalists Association of Peru (ANP) also voiced strong opposition to this decision, demanding its immediate reversal. They underscored that restricting media access not only lacks transparency but also infringes upon citizens’ right to information. They emphasized that requiring reporters to follow proceedings through the congressional channel is a blatant limitation on coverage.

Soto has only a couple of days left in his congressional leadership role, with the election for the next board scheduled for July 26, 2024. The session will kick off at 10 AM in the main chamber. Candidates for leadership include Eduardo Salhuana (Alianza para el Progreso), Patricia Juárez (Fuerza Popular), Waldemar Cerrón (Perú Libre), and Alejandro Cavero (Avanza País).

Since taking office, Soto has been criticized for his lack of interaction with journalists. His last interview occurred on August 22, 2023, when he told RTV El Diario de Cusco that he takes little interest in media coverage.

In mid-July, Soto filed a lawsuit against journalist Yéssica Bazalar for calling him “one of the politicians who most embarrasses Cusco” during her radio program. He claimed this statement tarnished his honor and reputation, seeking a retraction, criminal sanctions, and S/100,000 in damages.

This lawsuit marks the third such action Soto has pursued against Bazalar. The first was in 2021 concerning allegations about the hiring of his partner’s sister. In contrast, another report revealed his close relationship with Lizeth Peralta, with whom he has a child. A hearing for this case is scheduled for April 2025.

The second lawsuit arose from a Latina news report that exposed alleged irregularities involving the acquisition of a mausoleum in Cusco.

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