Alessandra Rosaldo Claims Tessa, José Eduardo’s Daughter, Has the “Derbez Mark”

Nearly three weeks ago, the Derbez and Ruffo families welcomed a new member: Tessa, the firstborn of José Eduardo Derbez and Paola Dalay. Although the baby’s identity remains private, Alessandra Rosaldo revealed that Tessa strongly resembles her paternal family.

In a recent interview on the show ‘Ventaneando,’ Eugenio Derbez’s wife shared details about the baby’s birth, who is not yet a month old, and emphasized Tessa’s resemblance to the Derbez family.

“She’s beautiful, divine, and definitely has the Derbez stamp,” Rosaldo stated. “She has a distinct cleft chin, just like José Eduardo and Eugenio. Aitana also has it, but not as pronounced. Tessa’s cleft chin is more noticeable; it’s a trademark of the Derbez family. I’m sure they will introduce her to everyone soon.”

Rosaldo also mentioned that neither she nor her husband could share pictures of Tessa yet, as they are waiting for permission from the baby’s parents. “I’m dying to post the photos, but we don’t have the parents’ permission yet. Once they allow it, we will share the pictures,” she added.

Meeting Between Alessandra Rosaldo and Victoria Ruffo

Reporters took the opportunity to ask Alessandra about her relationship with Eugenio’s ex-wife, Victoria Ruffo. Rosaldo responded that they maintain good contact and the encounter during Tessa’s birth went smoothly.

“It went beautifully,” the singer said. “We were at the hospital, and when Tessa was presented to us, both families gathered to meet her. It was a genuine moment of happiness, sharing such a wonderful occasion. We spent the whole day together, around eight or nine hours, celebrating.”

In a previous interview shortly after Tessa’s birth, Alessandra mentioned her cordial interaction with Victoria Ruffo, emphasizing that everything between Victoria and Eugenio was also positive and without any issues.

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