Amid Ponchos and Photos, Villarruel Travels to Catamarca in the Midst of the Libertarian Infighting

Amid Ponchos and Photos, Villarruel Travels to Catamarca in the Midst of the Libertarian Infighting

Amid the ongoing tensions within the Libertarian Party, Victoria Villarruel recently traveled to Catamarca, sharing numerous photographs of the province on her X account. During her visit, she met with Governor Raúl Jalil, took part in the International Poncho Festival, visited the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Valley, and interacted with residents of Aimogasta. She was even honored as a Guest of Honor in Fiambalá. In her latest post, she expressed her love for Argentina, accompanied by a cheerful video filled with smiles and embraces from the people.

This affectionate display becomes noteworthy considering the current political landscape. The growing distance between Villarruel and the Executive branch is unmistakable. Despite attempts from her team to downplay the conflict, it seems Villarruel is determined to increasingly differentiate herself from President Javier Milei.

Speculations about a rift between Villarruel and Milei began as soon as La Libertad Avanza took office. There is palpable distrust of the vice president within the national government, with concerns that she is cultivating her political ambitions. Rumors include a supposed secret meeting with Mauricio Macri in January (which both sides have denied), her appearance with a banner emblazoned with a “V,” and her call for a Senate session regarding DNU 70/2023 while the Executive wanted to delay discussions. Her absence from the signing of the Pacto de Mayo in Tucumán also raised eyebrows, adding to the list of friction points. Publicly, however, the two have maintained a facade of civility.

The issue escalated recently when Villarruel posted a message on X critical of France, which appeared to be a catalyst for addressing their growing conflict. Milei downplayed the situation in an interview, stating, “It wasn’t a happy tweet,” and emphasized that one shouldn’t create diplomatic issues over something related to football. Villarruel remained silent on the matter but decided to pin her tweet to the top of her profile, interpreting it as her way of doubling down.

Villarruel’s pinned tweet was seen as a bold statement. In response to inquiries, her team evaded direct answers, insisting they had no plans to mend any supposed rift and were not upset. They asserted that the president’s remarks were their only concern. However, there are indications that high-level sources within the government are claiming the relationship is irreparably fractured, as verified by journalists with direct access to Casa Rosada.

Since Villarruel’s trip to Catamarca had been planned for a month before, her team clarified that it should not be viewed in light of ongoing tensions with the Executive. Her agenda starkly contrasts with Milei’s, who has prioritized international visits since taking office. He has reportedly traveled the equivalent of three trips around the world, averaging one international trip every 18 days.

Villarruel, on the other hand, is focusing on provincial connections while emphasizing a nationalistic agenda, often incorporating emojis of the Argentine flag and traditional symbols. Her travel schedule is largely based on invitations to participate in local celebrations and engage with local producers. For example, in June, she supported the agricultural sector at Agroactiva 2024 in Armstrong, Santa Fe.

Just prior to that, Villarruel commemorated the 203rd anniversary of General Martín Miguel de Güemes’ death in Salta alongside Governor Gustavo Sáenz, donning traditional gaucho attire. Her travels since assuming the vice presidency have also taken her to Neuquén, Córdoba, and San Luis. She seems intent on forging a distinct image, diverging significantly from Milei’s, with speculation that she is aligning herself more closely with the PRO.

However, tensions continue to arise within her party, with some members expressing frustration over her perceived indifference. One party member lamented, “She is the most important figure in the Buenos Aires Democratic Party, the vice president of Argentina, yet she hasn’t included a visit to our local headquarters on any of her trips.” Concerns are growing about the potential fallout from being associated with the current adversary of the president, especially with the upcoming plans leading into 2025.

For now, Villarruel remains steadfast in her approach. Understanding her true intentions may require careful observation of her actions and public statements.


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