AMP2 – The judge summons Pedro Sánchez to testify on July 30th in the investigation against his wife.

AMP2 – The judge summons Pedro Sánchez to testify on July 30th in the investigation against his wife.

Judge Juan Carlos Peinado has summoned Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to testify as a witness on July 30 at 11:00 AM. This occurs amid an investigation regarding his wife, Begoña Gómez, who is being scrutinized for alleged influence peddling and corruption.

According to a document reported by Europa Press, the testimony will take place at La Moncloa, the Prime Minister’s official residence, as outlined by Articles 412 and 413 of the Spanish Criminal Procedure Law. These articles stipulate that if the Prime Minister’s testimony concerns matters he is unaware of due to his official capacity, the judge will visit his official residence for the hearing.

In this case, the judge is investigating “all actions, behaviors, and conduct” of Begoña Gómez since her husband took office, specifically in connection with a complaint filed by the labor union Manos Limpias. The complaint entails her alleged connections with businessman Juan Carlos Barrabés and contracts that have not been transferred to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The judge believes it is “appropriate and pertinent” to hear from the husband of the person under investigation. However, Article 416 of the Criminal Procedure Law states that Pedro Sánchez, as Begoña Gómez’s spouse, is exempt from the obligation to testify. Legal sources consulted by Europa Press clarify that this does not exempt him from appearing before the judge. Consequently, until the judge arrives at La Moncloa, the Prime Minister cannot invoke this exemption.

In preparation for the interrogation on July 30, the judge has instructed the IT services of the Community of Madrid to ensure they, accompanied by Judicial Police agents, are present at La Moncloa on July 29. Additionally, the judge has designated two technicians to accompany the judicial commission in case any incidents arise during the testimony.

The testimony of the Prime Minister is expected to be recorded and added to the case, which already includes three individuals under investigation: Begoña Gómez, Joaquín Goyache (the rector of Complutense University of Madrid), and entrepreneur Juan Carlos Barrabés.

This decision comes after Begoña Gómez invoked her right not to testify the previous Friday, following her lawyer’s advice due to perceived lack of guarantees in the process against her. Her lawyer, Antonio Camacho, stated that his client did not refuse to testify because she had something to hide, but rather on the recommendation of her defense.

Begoña Gómez was summoned in connection with alleged influence peddling and corruption within a case originating from a complaint filed by Manos Limpias in April. In this case, several parties, including Vox, Hazte Oír, Iustitia Europa, and Movimiento de Regeneración Política, are serving as accusers. The prosecution opposed the admission of the initial complaint.

The summons issued last Friday followed the judge’s decision on July 5 to postpone the testimony, as Gómez claimed to be unaware of the charges against her, and her defense indicated that one of the complaints, from Hazte Oír, had not been officially notified to her.

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