An educator claimed that there are “repressive systems in universities.”

An educator claimed that there are “repressive systems in universities.”

Education, like many other services, is moving towards the new technologies that the 21st century brings. This shift has sparked discussions about the importance of integrating innovative tools to enhance learning.

In this context, the team at Canal E reached out to university professor Juan Antonio Lázara to gain insights into the future of education.

Lázara emphasized that universities are filled with individuals aiming to impart knowledge. However, he pointed out that higher education in the country resembles a feudal system with distinct social classes. “There’s an elite, administrative staff, and then there are the ‘vassals,’ which are the teachers,” he remarked. He further highlighted that some public universities have been under the same rector’s leadership for over 30 years.

Continuing on this theme, Lázara noted that certain individuals have taken control of the universities. “There are repressive systems in place within these institutions,” he added. He expressed concerns about how some individuals would support the idea of tuition fees in universities, stating that many outdated leaders from the Soviet era hold key positions, hindering progress.

Lázara concluded by saying that many young people are frustrated with the current “progressive” approach to education and prefer a return to more traditional methods. He observed that the most prestigious universities receive minimal funding, while newer institutions seem to be favored in financial allocations.


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