Arianne Zucker discusses Access Hollywood tapes on podcast

Arianne Zucker discusses Access Hollywood tapes on podcast

Former “Days of Our Lives” star Arianne Zucker recently opened up about the infamous Access Hollywood tapes involving Donald Trump and Billy Bush during a conversation on Rachel Uchitel’s “Miss Understood” podcast. Zucker, who is currently embroiled in a lawsuit against Ken Corday and former director/executive producer Albert Alarr for sexual harassment, shared her perspective on the controversial 2005 recording.

Zucker revealed that she wasn’t personally offended by Trump’s lewd comments, which included the notorious “Grab ’em by the pussy” remark. The comments were made by Trump while he was speaking with Bush before arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to film a cameo with Zucker.

Recalling the incident, Zucker mentioned that both Trump and Bush made comments about her legs. She noted that everyone has spoken poorly about someone at some point in their lives, but the difference is that some people get caught on camera. She likened the comments to something one might hear at a fraternity party, suggesting that she didn’t perceive them as harshly as others did.

Zucker expressed feeling attacked by the media, believing that their primary goal was to remove Trump from the ballot. She emphasized that it wasn’t her responsibility to influence political outcomes.

When asked if her feelings about Trump had changed over time, Zucker stated that they had not. She acknowledged that while Trump could improve his communication style, she appreciated some of his policies. Zucker refrained from delving deeply into political discussions but hinted at her centrist views, expressing frustration with the weaponization of issues by both political sides.

Zucker’s last day on “Days of Our Lives” was December 23, and her final episode as Nicole Walker is set to stream on July 29 on Peacock. In her lawsuit filed in February, Zucker alleges that her salary was reduced and her contract was not renewed because she spoke out against Alarr. Alarr was terminated in August 2023 following an investigation into allegations of inappropriate behavior, including groping, forceful kissing, and creating a toxic work environment.

Zucker claims she was subjected to nonconsensual sexual touching and inappropriate comments by Alarr. She recounted instances where Alarr made lewd remarks during sex scenes, expressing a desire to switch positions with her co-stars. In response, a spokesperson for Corday Productions stated that Zucker’s allegations were without merit and that her contract was not renewed due to a rejected counteroffer, not retaliation.

During the podcast, Zucker refrained from revealing how her character exits the show, respecting the desire to keep fans excited and engaged. She praised a group of women who have supported her stance against mistreatment and shared how fan interactions have highlighted the importance of standing up against workplace harassment.

Zucker’s candid discussion on the podcast sheds light on her experiences with the Access Hollywood tapes and her ongoing legal battle. Her reflections offer a nuanced perspective on the incident and underscore the complexities of navigating public and professional challenges.

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