ATREYU’s Brandon Saller: Many Bands Are ‘Negative About A Lot of Things’ They Get

ATREYU’s Brandon Saller: Many Bands Are ‘Negative About A Lot of Things’ They Get

In a recent interview with TotalRock’s “Louder With Ore B” radio show, ATREYU’s vocalist Brandon Saller and guitarist Dan Jacobs discussed the evolving tone of their music. When asked if their latest work has taken on a more positive vibe despite its darker undertones, Brandon affirmed this perspective. He explained that their music has always balanced between light and dark elements. However, their 2021 album “Baptize” was notably darker, influenced by the pandemic’s challenges. The band had to rediscover their identity during this period, making the process both challenging and transformative.

Brandon noted that their latest album, “The Beautiful Dark Of Life,” reflects a renewed sense of comfort and strength. After spending a year touring and performing, the band has become more comfortable in their skin, which is evident in their music and stage presence. Dan echoed these sentiments, emphasizing that their current focus is on having fun and enjoying the process. He mentioned that after years of overthinking, they now prioritize having a good time, which translates into their music and performances.

When asked about the prevalence of this positive mindset in the music industry, Brandon expressed disappointment. He observed that many bands seem jaded and negative about the opportunities they have. He stressed that being in a band should be seen as a privilege, not a burden. Brandon also criticized the tendency of some bands to take themselves too seriously on stage, contrasting this with ATREYU’s more laid-back and humorous approach. He believes that being authentic and true to oneself is more comfortable and creatively fulfilling.

Dan agreed, adding that authenticity resonates with people. He emphasized that being genuine, even if it means being a bit weird, is appreciated by fans. This authenticity creates a stronger connection with the audience. Dan wished they had adopted this mindset earlier in their career, as it has made their lives more enjoyable and less stressful. He encouraged others, whether in a band or not, to embrace this liberating perspective.

Brandon highlighted that ATREYU’s longevity and current enjoyment of their career are rare in the industry. He believes that if more bands took a step back to appreciate their unique opportunities, they would feel more positive about their work. “The Beautiful Dark Of Life,” released last December via Spinefarm, is an emotional journey through three phases, capturing despair, hope, and self-discovery.

ATREYU is set to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their 2004 album “The Curse” with a special performance at the House Of Blues in Anaheim, California, on October 18. The event will feature support from EIGHTEEN VISIONS, who will perform their album “Obsession” in its entirety, and DEATH BY STEREO, celebrating the 25th anniversary of their debut album “If Looks Could Kill, I’d Watch You Die.”

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