Baby Abandoned Near a U.S. Highway: “I Thought It Was a Doll”

Baby Abandoned Near a U.S. Highway: “I Thought It Was a Doll”

A baby girl, just 11 months old, was rescued from a drainage canal near Interstate 135 in Wichita, Kansas, after a woman driving by spotted her and promptly called 911. Authorities are investigating how the child ended up in that location and are actively searching for a suspect, Vincent James Pérez, a man with a history of offenses in the area who may hold vital information about the case.

Vickie Wyant, the woman who alerted the police, described her shock upon seeing the baby in the canal, initially mistaking her for a doll. “I thought it was a toy,” she recounted to local media. “Her head was moving in the wind. Then she raised her arms, and I realized it was a real baby.”

The Wichita Police Department received the emergency call around 1:30 PM that Tuesday. Upon arriving at the scene, officers found the baby with firefighters. Wyant expressed disbelief at encountering a baby in the canal, emphasizing the importance of the mantra “If you see something, say something.”

Following medical evaluations, the girl was placed under protective custody, pending a thorough investigation into the circumstances that led her to the canal. The police are eager to interview Vincent James Pérez, who has prior convictions, including robbery and drug-related offenses, according to the Kansas Department of Corrections.

“Traveling along Interstate 135 and keeping your eyes on the road doesn’t prevent you from spotting unusual things,” Wyant noted. She felt a moral obligation to act, stating, “I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if the baby hadn’t made it.”

Officer Kristopher Gupilan from the Wichita Police praised Wyant for her quick thinking, which, combined with the collaborative effort of the firefighters and police, ensured the child’s swift rescue. The department is examining all possible factors surrounding this incident, as confirmed by local news sources.

The location of the rescue, near Pawnee and Mt. Vernon along Interstate 135, is highlighted by the presence of a drainage canal. Investigators continue to seek details about how the child found her way into that perilous situation. “We hope that finding Pérez will yield more information regarding this case,” Gupilan added.

The baby’s rescue has provided relief to many, including Christopher Wares, who had been trying to assist the child and her parents. Wares, who has known Pérez for nearly two decades, expressed his pain over the incident, noting that even though Pérez is no longer his son-in-law, he has tried to support him since his release from prison earlier this year.

Wares mentioned that a few days before the incident, Pérez took the baby following a dispute with the child’s mother, who is his ex-partner. In recent days, Wares focused on locating both Pérez and the baby, never anticipating the outcome.

The temporary 72-hour protective custody allows authorities and the Department for Children and Families to investigate the child’s safety. Diana Schunn, CEO of the Child Advocacy Center in Sedgwick County, noted that during this period, they will consider the child’s welfare and examine options for potential guardianship.

During this period, evaluation will also focus on whether family members can care for the child. Wares expressed his hopes for the baby’s future, trusting that authorities will make the right decisions for her care.

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