BELIFT LAB Updates on Legal Actions for Malicious Activities Against ENHYPEN and ILLIT

BELIFT LAB Updates on Legal Actions for Malicious Activities Against ENHYPEN and ILLIT

BELIFT LAB has recently provided an update on its ongoing legal actions against individuals engaging in malicious activities targeting their artists, ENHYPEN and ILLIT. The company has reiterated its commitment to protecting its artists from defamation, personal attacks, sexual harassment, groundless rumors, and ill-intentioned criticism.

In a statement released on June 10, BELIFT LAB detailed their efforts to combat the increasing number of malicious posts aimed at defaming ENHYPEN. The company has been actively monitoring online platforms in real-time to collect evidence of such posts, even those that have been deleted. Through reports from fans and their own monitoring initiatives, BELIFT LAB has gathered malicious posts and comments from both domestic and international channels and submitted a complaint to the investigative authorities.

The company has been able to track down the nicknames of perpetrators who frequently change their aliases to avoid detection. Criminal complaints have been filed against these offenders. BELIFT LAB emphasized that posts written anonymously or deleted promptly are still subject to legal action once the authors are identified during the investigation.

The investigative authorities have secured the identities of individuals who wrote malicious posts on domestic sites, and legal proceedings are currently in progress. BELIFT LAB assured that those who wrote their posts anonymously or subsequently deleted them are not exempt from legal actions.

The company has vowed to continue taking strict measures against malicious posts that infringe on the rights of their artists. Their policy of no settlement and no leniency remains in effect. BELIFT LAB will intensify their monitoring and evidence collection efforts to hold offenders accountable, regardless of how long it takes.

BELIFT LAB periodically collects information on malicious posts regarding ENHYPEN and reports them to the authorities for criminal complaints. They have urged fans to continue using their hotline ([email protected]) to report any cases of abuse. The company expressed gratitude for the affection and dedication shown by ENHYPEN’s fans and reaffirmed their commitment to protecting the rights of their artists.

In a separate statement, BELIFT LAB addressed the malicious activities targeting ILLIT, a rookie group that debuted only three months ago. Despite their short time in the industry, ILLIT has been subjected to extremely malicious posts that go beyond common decency. BELIFT LAB recognized the urgent need for strong legal action to protect these new artists.

Even before announcing how to report such posts, BELIFT LAB had been collecting evidence of malicious posts and comments across all available channels since ILLIT’s debut. Complaints have been submitted to the investigative authorities, including those who wrote malicious posts and comments on local online community sites, music streaming sites, and overseas social media channels. Real-time monitoring has allowed the company to collect evidence of posts that have been deleted in hopes of eliminating proof.

As a result, complaints have been filed against hundreds of offenders, and investigations are currently underway. BELIFT LAB will continue to collect malicious posts and file complaints regularly. The company will enforce strict measures against malicious posts that infringe on the rights of their artists, based on reports from fans and evidence collected through their own monitoring.

BELIFT LAB’s strict policy of no settlement and no leniency remains in effect. They will take decisive actions and hold offenders accountable, no matter how long it takes. The support and information from fans are crucial in their legal actions. Fans are encouraged to report any malicious posts or illegal activities related to ILLIT to the BELIFT LAB legal response hotline ([email protected]).

The company expressed appreciation for the generous support and dedication from fans and reaffirmed their commitment to protecting the rights and interests of their artists. BELIFT LAB will continue to strive to ensure the well-being and interests of ENHYPEN and ILLIT are fully protected.

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