Ben Hardy Discusses ‘Unicorns’ Role and Career: ‘Acting Is Like Anthropology’

Ben Hardy Discusses ‘Unicorns’ Role and Career: ‘Acting Is Like Anthropology’

British actor Ben Hardy, known for his roles in “X-Men: Apocalypse,” “Bohemian Rhapsody,” and Netflix’s “Love at First Sight,” is set to captivate audiences once again in the upcoming film “Unicorns.” Co-directed by BAFTA nominee Sally El Hosaini (“The Swimmers”) and her long-time collaborator James Krishna Floyd, the film delves into the life of a queer South Asian club performer, played by Jason Patel, who leads a double life. The narrative takes an intriguing turn when he meets Luke, a straight, single-father mechanic, portrayed by Hardy, and unexpected sparks begin to fly.

Hardy was drawn to the project by its unique storyline and the opportunity to work with El Hosaini. “It was a challenging role for me, something I’d never played before,” Hardy said of his character Luke, a working-class mechanic who finds himself immersed in the vibrant world of “gaysian” clubs in London. The actor’s preparation for the role was extensive, involving hours of script analysis and character development with the directors. “We spent hours and hours going through Luke, going through the script and story,” Hardy explained. “To the point where we got to day one, I knew this story inside out. I feel like I really know this world and this story, and I’m ready to play it.”

Initially, Hardy had reservations about the co-directing arrangement, as he had signed on when El Hosaini was the sole director. “I was a bit like, ‘You guys [are] going to be arguing the whole time, how’s this going to work?’” he admitted. However, his concerns were quickly dispelled. “They’re a couple in real life and their dynamic just seems to work. They have a good balanced relationship on set and offset. It was a joy to work with both of them.”

El Hosaini emphasized keeping Luke “very much in the moment,” which proved challenging for Hardy, who tends to be a forward-thinking actor. “She even bought me ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle to read,” Hardy revealed. “It was interesting playing someone very primitive and instinctive.” To embody Luke’s character, Hardy explored the physicality and background of a mechanic, working on Luke’s voice and movement to reflect the physical toll of the job and the expectations of masculinity in his community.

Hardy intentionally limited his research into the gaysian scene, wanting his character’s reactions to be authentic. “I wanted my reaction to be as real as possible,” he said of Luke’s first encounter with the club scene. “I embraced my own ignorance and went on that journey with Luke learning about it.” The actor also enjoyed portraying Luke’s journey out of depression, crediting his co-star Patel for much of that character development.

“Unicorns” has received positive feedback since its premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival last year. “Everyone who’s seen it seems to love it,” Hardy said. Reflecting on his career choices, Hardy looks for original scripts, relatable characters, and roles that challenge him. “I want to be nervous,” he stated. “I want to feel like this is something that I’m not sure if I can pull off and take on that challenge. I don’t want to play the same character over and over.”

Interestingly, Hardy likens acting to anthropology. “I think actors are, or I’ll speak for myself as an actor, I think it is very close to anthropology,” he said. “You just want to study humans and step inside their shoes. It’s like, what is there that I can bring my own life experience to, but also use the realm of imagination and research to explore and get a sense of what it would be like to be that person?”

Hardy’s path to acting began with amateur dramatics after a sports injury sidelined his athletic pursuits. “To be brutally honest, at a young age I was very much just an attention-seeking little kid. I was always making a show and a dance,” Hardy recalled. He fell in love with the craft at drama school, describing acting as “an amazing job” despite its instability. “I get to play for a living,” Hardy said. “As far as a way of making a living, I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to do this, to still be playing around like I was as a kid playing make-believe.”

Since Toronto, “Unicorns” has had a stellar festival run, with playdates at BFI London, Flare, Goteborg, Palm Springs, and Sydney. Protagonist is handling international sales, and Signature Entertainment is releasing the film across the U.K. and Ireland on July 5.

Hardy’s dedication to his craft and his willingness to take on challenging roles have made him a standout actor in the industry. His portrayal of Luke in “Unicorns” is sure to be another testament to his talent and versatility. As Hardy continues to explore new characters and stories, audiences can look forward to more compelling performances from this talented actor.

Source: Variety

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