Beret Girl from Extremely Goofy Movie earned her TikTok crush legacy

Beret Girl from Extremely Goofy Movie earned her TikTok crush legacy

One of the most delightful aspects of human life is experiencing a crush. The fluttering heartbeat, the rush of joy when you see the person you admire, and the urge to express your feelings are all part of this universal experience. At Polygon, we embrace a broad interpretation of “crush.” These intense, fleeting infatuations don’t have to be directed at real people or even be romantic. With numerous crushes in my life, I feel compelled to share the excitement of writing their names repeatedly in a sparkly gel pen journal.

The 2000 Disney animated film, An Extremely Goofy Movie, has recently resurfaced in popular culture. TikTok is brimming with fan-made animatics featuring Goofy’s son Max and his rival, the skateboarding frat boy Bradley Uppercrust III. Their dynamic even ranked No. 6 on last week’s Tumblr Fandometric for movies, filled with romantic fan art. The resurgence is largely driven by the “Maxley” ship, pairing Max and Bradley in an enemies-to-lovers trope. Some edits add a layer of queer longing, amplifying the drama.

However, when I think of An Extremely Goofy Movie, my mind immediately goes to Beret Girl.

Max and his friends first encounter this enigmatic, beret-wearing girl at a hip café where she performs a slam poem. But her most memorable moment comes when she stands up to Bradley, who gets aggressive with Max. She commands the entire café to snap at Bradley until he leaves, showcasing her striking presence, creativity, and impeccable fashion sense with her all-black attire and sultry purple eyeliner.

Though Beret Girl isn’t given a name in the movie, many Disney fans have dubbed her Mocha Chino, inspired by Bradley’s dismissive nickname for her, “little Miss Mochaccino.” It’s a name that fans have reclaimed and embraced.

Watching this movie as a child in the early 2000s gave me unrealistic expectations about college life. I imagined artsy spoken-word poetry events in underground cafés, disco-loving campus librarians, and a widespread passion for skateboarding. While these elements might have been true in 2000, they certainly weren’t a decade later. But the most unrealistic expectation came from Beret Girl: the hope that college would be filled with cool, poetic girls who would stand up to obnoxious frat boys.

Rewatching An Extremely Goofy Movie today is a nostalgic journey. The current wave of TikToks and Tumblr art has reminded me of the homoerotic tension between Max and Bradley. It’s heartening to see people rediscovering the film and finding joy in giving their antagonistic relationship a romantic twist.

Yet, I find myself repeatedly watching Beret Girl’s brief screen time. It takes me back to third grade, watching the movie in class with a substitute teacher. Beret Girl, with her confidence and artistic flair, left a lasting impression on me. At age 8, I was captivated by her coolness, and that fascination evolved over time—from wanting to hang out with her to wanting to be her, and eventually to wanting her to defend me from Bradley Uppercrust III.

Once again, I find myself enamored with a background character. Perhaps next time, I’ll develop a crush on a main character. In the meantime, I’m curious to know who you’re crushing on.

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