Biden Confirms Doctor Visit After Debate and Admits to Mistake

Biden Confirms Doctor Visit After Debate and Admits to Mistake

President Joe Biden recently confirmed that he visited a doctor following his performance in last week’s debate, a statement that contradicts earlier claims from the White House regarding his medical care. During a meeting with Democratic governors, both in person and via video call, Biden addressed questions about his debate performance and revealed that he had been checked by a doctor and was in good health, according to two sources familiar with the conversation.

This revelation came just hours after White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that Biden had not undergone any medical exams since February, when he last received a comprehensive physical and several tests. Politico was the first to report Biden’s comments, which come at a time when the president is working to reassure his supporters on the left amid concerns about his ability to perform his duties and defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming November election.

In a radio interview with a Wisconsin station that aired in full on Thursday, Biden candidly admitted, “I had a bad night, I had a bad night. And the fact of the matter is … I screwed up, I made a mistake.” He continued, “I didn’t have a good debate. That’s 90 minutes onstage. Look at what I’ve done in 3.5 years. I led the economy back from the brink of collapse.”

Acknowledging their earlier omission, the White House now states that while Biden hasn’t had a physical since February, he has seen a doctor regularly for brief check-ins, including after the debate. “Several days later, the President was seen to check on his cold and was recovering well,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates told NBC News in a statement on Thursday morning. The White House also clarified that Biden has not undergone any neurological scans since the debate.

Like other presidents, Biden has a personal physician who travels with him and is available for any medical needs. The meeting with governors was organized by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, as part of a broader effort to address concerns about Biden’s debate performance and the path forward.

Biden’s admission of his mistake during the debate and his subsequent doctor visit highlights the scrutiny he faces regarding his health and ability to lead. This scrutiny is not new, as Biden’s age and health have been frequent topics of discussion throughout his presidency. The president’s transparency about his health and willingness to admit mistakes may serve to reassure some supporters, but it also underscores the challenges he faces in maintaining confidence among the electorate.

The president’s comments come at a critical time as he seeks to solidify support within his party and prepare for the upcoming election. His ability to address concerns about his health and performance will be crucial in maintaining the confidence of voters and ensuring a strong campaign against his opponents.

Biden’s acknowledgment of his mistake during the debate and his subsequent doctor visit also reflect a broader theme of accountability and transparency in his administration. By openly discussing his health and admitting to errors, Biden aims to present himself as a leader who is honest and forthright with the American people.

As the election approaches, Biden’s health and performance will continue to be closely monitored by both supporters and critics. His ability to navigate these challenges and maintain the confidence of the electorate will be key to his success in the upcoming election.

In conclusion, President Joe Biden’s confirmation of his doctor visit following the debate and his admission of a mistake highlight the ongoing scrutiny of his health and performance. By addressing these concerns openly, Biden aims to reassure supporters and maintain confidence as he prepares for the upcoming election. The president’s transparency and accountability will be crucial in navigating the challenges ahead and ensuring a strong campaign against his opponents.

Source: NBC News, Politico

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