Biden says he’d be fine losing to Trump if he gave it his all

Biden says he’d be fine losing to Trump if he gave it his all

President Joe Biden indicated he would be fine losing to Trump as long as he put up a good fight. The 81-year-old president made the comments during his first post-debate interview on Friday.

President Joe Biden suggested he would be OK losing to former President Donald Trump in November “as long as I gave it my all” — undercutting the heart of his 2024 presidential platform as concerns about his candidacy continue to grow. On Friday, the 81-year-old Biden sat for his first interview since his disastrous debate performance last week, speaking with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos and attempting to assuage doubts about his fitness for office, including increasing anxiety from within his own party.

Biden has long positioned himself as the best bet to protect American democracy from another four years of Trump. In interviews and stump speeches, Biden paints a picture of chaos and collapse should Trump take the White House again. Biden’s campaign has explicitly accused Trump of being in the race only for himself, meanwhile framing Biden as being a candidate for the people.

But near the end of his Friday interview, Biden gave an answer that seemed to contradict his greater-good narrative. “If you stay in and Trump is elected and everything you’re warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January?” Stephanopoulos asked. “I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all, and I did as good a job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about,” Biden responded.

The response appeared as definitive an insight as any into Biden’s stubborn mindset amid mounting calls for him to drop out of the race. Four House Democrats and a growing number of liberal donors have publicly called for Biden’s replacement. While some reports have suggested Biden is privately weighing whether he can save his reelection bid, he has been firm in his public promise to stay in the race.

Denial proved a prevailing theme throughout Biden’s interview with ABC. He chalked up his debate performance to “a bad night,” repeatedly dodged questions about his age and cognitive abilities, and disputed poll numbers that show him points behind Trump. When asked what it would take for him to drop out of the race, Biden attempted to duck the question with a joke, telling Stephanopoulos that he would only step down if “the Lord Almighty” himself came down and told him he couldn’t win.

Biden’s comments come at a time when his campaign is facing significant challenges. His age and cognitive abilities have been a point of contention, not just among his opponents but within his own party. The president’s debate performance last week did little to quell these concerns, with many questioning whether he has the stamina and mental acuity to take on another grueling campaign.

Despite these challenges, Biden remains resolute. He has consistently framed his candidacy as a fight for the soul of America, a battle to preserve democracy and prevent the chaos he believes a second Trump term would bring. This narrative has been central to his campaign, and his comments to Stephanopoulos suggest that he is prepared to see this fight through to the end, regardless of the outcome.

Biden’s determination to stay in the race is not without its critics. Some within the Democratic Party believe that a younger, more dynamic candidate would have a better chance of defeating Trump. They argue that Biden’s age and perceived frailty are liabilities that could cost the party the White House. These concerns have led to calls for Biden to step aside and allow a new candidate to take up the mantle.

However, Biden’s response to these calls has been steadfast. He has repeatedly stated that he believes he is the best person to lead the country and that he is committed to running for re-election. His comments to Stephanopoulos underscore this commitment, suggesting that he is willing to accept the possibility of defeat as long as he knows he gave it his all.

Biden’s stance is a reflection of his broader approach to politics. Throughout his career, he has been known for his resilience and determination. He has faced numerous setbacks and challenges, both personal and professional, and has always managed to bounce back. This tenacity is a key part of his political identity and is likely to be a central theme of his re-election campaign.

In the coming months, Biden will need to address the concerns about his age and cognitive abilities head-on. He will need to demonstrate that he has the energy and mental sharpness to take on Trump and lead the country for another four years. This will be no small feat, but if his comments to Stephanopoulos are any indication, Biden is ready for the challenge.

Ultimately, Biden’s willingness to accept the possibility of defeat as long as he knows he gave it his all is a testament to his character. It suggests that he is not driven by ego or a desire for power, but by a genuine belief in the importance of his mission. This authenticity could resonate with voters and help to counteract some of the concerns about his age and fitness for office.

As the 2024 election approaches, Biden’s campaign will need to navigate a complex and challenging landscape. The president will need to rally his base, address the concerns of his critics, and make a compelling case for why he deserves a second term. It will be a difficult task, but if Biden’s comments to Stephanopoulos are any indication, he is ready to give it his all.

Source: ABC News, Twitter

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