Biden to Congressional Black Caucus: ‘I need you and I won’t let you down’

Biden to Congressional Black Caucus: ‘I need you and I won’t let you down’

President Joe Biden recently addressed the Congressional Black Caucus, emphasizing his reliance on their support and promising not to let them down. In a heartfelt speech, Biden underscored the importance of unity and collaboration in achieving the administration’s goals, particularly in areas that directly impact the African American community.

Biden began by expressing his gratitude for the introduction and acknowledging the service of those in the United States military. He shared a personal anecdote about his early political career and the mentorship he received from prominent figures like Hubert Humphrey and Fritz Mondale. These relationships, he noted, were instrumental in shaping his political journey and understanding of public service.

The President then shifted focus to the recent tragic school shooting in Michigan, expressing his condolences to the affected families and the community. He highlighted the need for continued efforts to address gun violence and ensure the safety of all Americans.

Biden’s speech also touched on the recently signed infrastructure law, which he described as a monumental achievement made possible by bipartisan support, including significant contributions from the Minnesota congressional delegation. He praised Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith, as well as Representatives Angie Craig, Dean Phillips, and Betty McCollum, for their roles in advancing the legislation.

The President emphasized the transformative impact of the infrastructure law, which aims to rebuild America’s roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. He highlighted specific projects in Minnesota, such as the Twin Port Interchange in Duluth and the Link project in Rochester, as examples of how the law will create jobs and improve the quality of life for residents.

Biden also addressed the ongoing battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, reassuring the public that the new variant is a cause for concern but not panic. He outlined the administration’s strategy to combat the virus through vaccinations, boosters, and testing, urging all Americans to get vaccinated and receive their booster shots.

The President underscored the importance of investing in America’s future, particularly in education and job training. He highlighted the role of schools like Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) in preparing the next generation of workers for jobs in emerging industries, such as electric vehicle maintenance and renewable energy.

Biden’s speech also touched on the need for resilience against climate change, noting the significant investments in infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events. He shared personal experiences from his visits to areas affected by natural disasters, emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate change and its impacts on communities.

The President reiterated his commitment to rebuilding the backbone of the nation: the middle class and working-class Americans. He emphasized the need for a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America, ensuring that the benefits of economic growth are shared by all.

Biden also highlighted key components of his Build Back Better plan, including increasing Pell Grants, investing in job training programs, and providing universal preschool. He stressed the importance of early education in ensuring long-term success and competitiveness on the global stage.

The President addressed the high cost of childcare, noting that the Build Back Better plan would cap childcare expenses at 7% of a family’s income. This, he argued, would make a significant difference for millions of families and help more parents, particularly women, return to the workforce.

Biden concluded by discussing the need to lower prescription drug costs, particularly for insulin. He highlighted the financial burden faced by families with children who have Type 1 diabetes and promised that the Build Back Better plan would cap insulin costs at $35 per month.

Throughout his speech, Biden emphasized the importance of unity and collaboration in achieving these goals. He assured the Congressional Black Caucus of his commitment to their shared mission and promised to work tirelessly to deliver on his promises.

Source: White House Press Office

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