Biden vows increased aid to Ukraine and asserts Putin will be halted

Biden vows increased aid to Ukraine and asserts Putin will be halted

In a resolute address from the East Room, President Joe Biden vowed to increase aid to Ukraine and asserted that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggressive actions would be halted. The President condemned the unprovoked and unjustified assault on Ukraine, labeling it a premeditated attack orchestrated by Putin over several months. Biden emphasized that the United States, along with its allies, had made numerous good-faith efforts to address mutual security concerns through dialogue, all of which were rejected by Russia.

Biden detailed the extensive preparations made by Russia, including the movement of over 175,000 troops and military equipment to the Ukrainian border, as well as the establishment of field hospitals and blood supplies, indicating clear intentions of invasion. He highlighted the increase in shelling in the Donbas region and the cyberattacks perpetrated by the Russian government against Ukraine. The President also pointed out the baseless claims made by Russia, including accusations of Ukraine preparing to invade Russia and committing genocide, which were used as false pretexts for the invasion.

The President announced the imposition of additional strong sanctions and new limitations on exports to Russia, designed to inflict severe costs on the Russian economy both immediately and over time. These sanctions, coordinated with a coalition of partners representing more than half of the global economy, aim to limit Russia’s ability to do business in major currencies and to finance and grow its military. Biden noted the immediate impact of these actions, including the plummeting value of the Russian Ruble and the significant drop in the Russian stock market.

Biden outlined the specific measures taken, including the sanctioning of Russian banks holding around $1 trillion in assets and the freezing of assets of major banks in the U.S. He also mentioned the addition of Russian elites and their family members to the sanctions list, emphasizing that those who benefit from the Kremlin’s policies should share in the pain.

The President stressed that the United States and its allies would continue to squeeze Russia’s access to finance and technology, particularly in strategic sectors of its economy, to degrade its industrial capacity for years to come. He estimated that these actions would cut off more than half of Russia’s high-tech imports, impacting their military modernization, aerospace industry, and shipbuilding capabilities.

Biden reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to defending NATO allies, particularly in Eastern Europe. He announced the deployment of additional U.S. forces and capabilities to Germany and other NATO eastern flank allies, including Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania. The President emphasized that U.S. forces would not engage in the conflict in Ukraine but would defend NATO territory with the full force of American power.

The President also addressed the potential economic impact on American families and businesses, particularly regarding rising gas prices. He assured that his administration was taking active steps to mitigate these effects and prevent energy companies from exploiting the situation for profit. Biden mentioned the coordination with major oil-producing and consuming countries to secure global energy supplies and the potential release of additional barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves.

Biden reiterated his warning to Russia about potential cyberattacks against U.S. companies and critical infrastructure, stating that the U.S. was prepared to respond. He assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of continued support from the U.S. and its allies, including humanitarian relief to ease the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

The President condemned Putin’s actions as a betrayal of global peace principles and a vision of empire-building through coercion and corruption. He asserted that the United States and freedom-loving nations would oppose this vision with every tool at their disposal. Biden predicted that Putin’s aggression would ultimately weaken Russia and strengthen the rest of the world, emphasizing that liberty, democracy, and human dignity are forces more powerful than fear and oppression.

In conclusion, Biden expressed confidence that freedom would prevail in the contest between democracy and autocracy, and he called for blessings on the people of a free and democratic Ukraine and protection for U.S. troops.

Source: Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, ABC News

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