Black GOP lawmakers host ‘Congress Cognac and Cigars’ event in key swing state

Black GOP lawmakers host ‘Congress Cognac and Cigars’ event in key swing state

In a strategic move to mobilize Black voters ahead of the 2024 presidential election, two prominent Black Republican lawmakers, Reps. Wesley Hunt of Texas and Byron Donalds of Florida, hosted an event titled “Congress, Cognac, and Cigars” in Atlanta. The event, held at a local cigar lounge, aimed to engage Black male voters and discuss their pivotal role in the upcoming election. Former ESPN host Sage Steele also joined the event, adding to its prominence.

The invitation to the event, obtained by Fox News Digital, emphasized the importance of having “a real conversation about the Black male vote, leadership, and how they will impact the 2024 election.” In an interview with Fox News Digital, Rep. Hunt highlighted the critical role Black voters, particularly in swing states like Georgia, will play in determining the next president.

“The thing is, in the past, the Republican Party has not done a very good job of going to these communities, articulating why our policies are in the best interest of the Black community,” Hunt said. “Black issues are American issues. We just need voices to go articulate that.”

Hunt further emphasized that Black voters no longer need to feel obligated to vote for Democrats simply because of family tradition. “You don’t have to vote for Democrats anymore because your mama and your grandmother and your parents told you to do it. The Republican Party right now is in your best interest. If you hate what’s going on at the border, if you hate what’s happening with inflation, if you hate crime, I’m telling you that … electing [Trump] and getting him back in office is definitely going to be in your best interest.”

The event is part of a broader strategy to secure 25% to 35% of the Black male vote for former President Trump. Black voters were instrumental in President Biden’s 2020 primary and general election victories, and they are expected to play a crucial role in the upcoming election as well.

Multiple exit polls from the 2020 election showed that Trump won 19% of the Black male vote, a significant increase compared to previous Republican candidates. “That’s the highest that we’ve ever seen in modern history for a Republican president,” Hunt noted. “We need to add about five or six percentage points and grow from what we did four years ago. And given the environment that we’re in right now, we think we can accomplish that.”

The first “Congress, Cognac, and Cigars” event took place in Philadelphia, and Hunt revealed that the next one would be held in Milwaukee, coinciding with the Republican National Convention. The events aim to create a platform for Black voters to voice their concerns and engage in meaningful discussions about the future of the country.

Hunt also mentioned that the previous event in Philadelphia showed potential for making inroads with Black women voters, who overwhelmingly supported Biden in 2020. “The biggest takeaway from that event is – again, Byron and I have been really focused on Black men, but there were Black women in that room that raised their hand and stood up and said, ‘Don’t forget about us. I’m a Black woman, I’m voting for President Trump, and I’m fed up with this, too. And I’m not saying you’re going to get as many of us as you are men, but what I am saying is, don’t just cater these events to Black men; cater them to the Black community,’” Hunt explained.

The event in Atlanta is part of a concerted effort by the Republican Party to reach out to Black voters, a demographic that has traditionally leaned Democratic. By addressing issues such as border security, inflation, and crime, the GOP hopes to present itself as a viable alternative for Black voters who are dissatisfied with the current administration.

The “Congress, Cognac, and Cigars” events are designed to foster open dialogue and provide a space for Black voters to discuss their concerns and aspirations. By engaging directly with the community, Hunt and Donalds aim to build trust and demonstrate that the Republican Party is committed to addressing the issues that matter most to Black Americans.

As the 2024 election approaches, the importance of the Black vote cannot be overstated. Both parties recognize the need to engage with this crucial demographic, and events like “Congress, Cognac, and Cigars” are a testament to the growing recognition of the Black community’s influence in American politics.

Source: Fox News Digital

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