BNG: Government Offers Mixed Signals on Regeneration, Open to Collaboration

BNG: Government Offers Mixed Signals on Regeneration, Open to Collaboration

A spokesperson for BNG in Congress, NĂ©stor Rego, has expressed that the government is sending mixed signals regarding its democratic regeneration measures. However, he has also shown a willingness to collaborate and support initiatives that he deems positive.

Rego made these comments to the press following a meeting with the Minister of the Presidency, Justice, and Relations with the Courts, FĂ©lix Bolaños, along with the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun. This meeting aimed to discuss the democratic regeneration measures proposed by Prime Minister Pedro SĂ¡nchez during the previous Congressional session.

The nationalist politician from Galicia presented a list of proposals focused on three main areas: public rights and freedoms, media, and justice. Regarding public rights, he called for the repeal of the Gag Law, the Official Secrets Act, the removal of the offense of aggravated public disorder, and progress towards a secular state.

When it comes to media, his party advocates for increased transparency from media outlets that receive public funding and for the complete freedom of professionals to carry out their work. On the subject of justice, Rego pointed out what he considers a setback due to the agreement reached between the Popular Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) regarding the General Council of the Judiciary. He emphasized the need for decentralizing judicial administrations.

Rego described the government’s actions in judicial matters as “disappointing.” He believes the executive is positively inclined towards some of the proposals but accuses them of giving mixed messages, particularly in the judicial area where he feels there is no intent to implement further changes. He finds this stance unjustifiable and disappointing, especially since public policies do not seem to be a priority.

During his speech in the Congressional session, Rego criticized SĂ¡nchez for not going far enough in his proposals for democratic regeneration and claimed they lack the necessary credibility. He warned that credibility diminishes when key promises and commitments are consistently broken, citing the reforms of the Gag Law and the Official Secrets Act as prime examples.

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