Bolaños reiterates that there is a “ruthless persecution” against the president and warns: “Sánchez is here for many years to come.”

Bolaños reiterates that there is a “ruthless persecution” against the president and warns: “Sánchez is here for many years to come.”

Félix Bolaños, the Minister of Presidency, Justice, and Relations with the Courts, recently stated that there is a “relentless persecution” against Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his family. This comes after a judge summoned Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, to testify as a witness in a case against her.

Bolaños pointed out that the persecution is “evident,” claiming that both the Popular Party (PP) and Vox, along with other far-right organizations, are not disguising their intentions. He expressed his conviction that Sánchez and his progressive government are here to stay for many years, despite what he referred to as a “hunting pack” of far-right individuals.

In a press appearance alongside Culture Minister Ernest Urtasun, Bolaños expressed confidence about the government’s longevity, directly addressing criticisms from the far right: “I regret to inform this far-right pack that they will not succeed; Pedro Sánchez and the progressive government will be here for many years.”

Just days earlier, after Gómez appeared in court and chose to exercise her right to remain silent, Bolaños condemned the “inhumane and cruel” persecution of both the Prime Minister and his wife. He called the request from Vox for Sánchez to testify absurd. Now, with Judge Juan Carlos Peinado asking to take Sánchez’s statement at La Moncloa, Bolaños reiterated his claim of a “relentless persecution,” suggesting that the facts speak for themselves.

The minister accused the PP of politicizing the situation. He explained that this persecution started with far-right organizations, particularly Vox and other PP affiliates, filing false claims and seeking evidence that does not aim to clarify anything because there is nothing to uncover. Following this, Bolaños criticized Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the Popular Party for leveraging this persecution politically to tarnish the reputation of honest people, specifically referring to the Prime Minister’s wife.

When questioned about whether Sánchez would testify and if it would be in person or in writing, Bolaños did not provide a definitive answer. He did mention that the Socialist Party (PSOE) would be appealing the judge’s decision regarding Sánchez. “After the meetings, I read that some appeals will be filed against this decision. We will see what the competent courts decide, but beyond that, I have little to add,” he concluded.

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