Brad Pitt Wins Court Battle Against Angelina at Children’s Expense

Brad Pitt Wins Court Battle Against Angelina at Children’s Expense

Brad Pitt Wins Court Battle Against Angelina at Children’s Expense

In a dramatic turn of events, Brad Pitt has emerged victorious in a contentious legal battle against his ex-wife, Angelina Jolie, over their shared vineyard, Château Miraval. The court ruling, however, has come at a significant emotional cost, particularly impacting their children.

The dispute began on February 17, 2022, when Pitt filed a lawsuit against Jolie for selling her stake in the vineyard without his consent. The couple had purchased the 1,200-acre estate in the south of France in 2008, intending it to be both a family home and a business venture. According to Pitt, they had agreed not to sell their shares without mutual approval.

Jolie’s sale of her shares to Yuri Shefler, a Russian businessman, escalated the conflict. Pitt argued that the transaction was invalid and harmful to the brand, especially in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Jolie’s former company, Nouvel, countered with a $250 million lawsuit, accusing Pitt of trying to seize control of the vineyard as revenge for their divorce and child custody battles.

The legal skirmish intensified when Jolie filed a cross-complaint on October 4, 2022, detailing alleged abuse by Pitt, which she claimed occurred just days before their divorce filing. The allegations included physical and verbal abuse involving their children, adding a deeply personal and painful dimension to the legal proceedings.

Documents obtained by CNN on July 11 revealed that Nouvel accused Pitt and his associates of “looting” and “stripping” Miraval of its assets, seeking $350 million in damages. Pitt, on the other hand, maintained that Jolie’s sale to Shefler was a breach of their agreement and detrimental to the vineyard’s operations.

Pitt’s lawsuit described the vineyard as a passion project that he had nurtured into a successful business, while alleging that Jolie had contributed nothing to its success. He claimed that Jolie’s secretive sale to Shefler, who has alleged ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was an attempt to undermine him and the business.

Jolie’s side argued that Pitt’s refusal to allow her to sell her shares unless she signed a more restrictive NDA was an attempt to silence her about the abuse. They also contended that Pitt’s actions were driven by a desire to control the vineyard and retaliate for their divorce.

The court’s decision in favor of Pitt has not resolved the underlying tensions between the former couple. Jolie’s former investment company, Nouvel, has filed additional lawsuits against Pitt, accusing him of wasting company assets on vanity projects and refusing to treat Nouvel as an equal partner.

Jolie’s legal team has also disputed Pitt’s claims about Shefler’s ties to Putin, stating that Shefler has been in conflict with the Russian regime for years and has publicly denounced the invasion of Ukraine. They argued that Pitt’s allegations were part of a broader strategy to discredit Jolie and her business dealings.

The ongoing legal battle has taken a toll on the couple’s children, who have been caught in the crossfire of their parents’ acrimonious dispute. Jolie’s lawyers have highlighted the emotional impact on the children, who have not felt able to return to the family home in France since the events that led to the divorce.

As the legal proceedings continue, the focus remains on the well-being of the children and the future of Château Miraval. The court’s ruling in favor of Pitt may have settled one aspect of the dispute, but the broader conflict between the former couple shows no signs of abating.

This story is still developing, and further legal actions and revelations are expected in the coming months. The public remains captivated by the high-stakes drama between two of Hollywood’s most famous exes, as they navigate the complex intersection of business, personal grievances, and family dynamics.

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