Buckingham Palace’s Latest Snub to Meghan Markle and Harry

Buckingham Palace’s Latest Snub to Meghan Markle and Harry

Buckingham Palace’s latest snub to Meghan Markle and Harry has been labeled a “wise” decision by royal experts. The California-based couple, who have been vocal about their strained relationship with the royal family, have reportedly not been invited to this year’s Trooping the Colour. This marks the second consecutive year they have been excluded from the event, which celebrates the British monarch’s birthday.

Royal expert Esther Krakue, speaking to Sky News, supported the decision, stating that having the Sussexes near the Royal Family during a time when three members are facing significant health issues would not be prudent. Krakue emphasized that the decision was not surprising and suggested that Harry and Meghan would likely reject the invitation due to safety concerns in the UK.

In another instance, Buckingham Palace did not publicly acknowledge Princess Lilibet’s second birthday, which some interpreted as a snub. However, a source clarified that there is no protocol for wishing happy birthdays to non-working members of the royal family. Last year, Queen Elizabeth II had publicly wished Lilibet a happy first birthday, but this year, no such message was shared by King Charles III or Queen Camilla.

The Palace’s decision not to publicly wish Lilibet a happy birthday follows a similar choice regarding her brother Archie’s fourth birthday, which coincided with King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s coronation. Although Charles made a private toast to Archie, the lack of public acknowledgment was noted by many.

Harry and Meghan stepped down from their senior royal positions in 2020 and moved to California. Since then, they have been outspoken about their issues with the royal family, including allegations of racism and inadequate mental health support. Harry’s memoir, “Spare,” further detailed his grievances, including claims of negative stories planted by his father and a physical altercation with his brother William.

Despite the ongoing drama, Harry attended his father’s coronation in May, while Meghan stayed in California with their children. During the ceremony, Harry did not publicly interact with his father or brother, sitting instead with his cousins, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice. Royal expert Nick Bullen revealed that Harry had a private conversation with Charles the night before the coronation.

In another development, a source at Buckingham Palace denied claims that Harry and Meghan were not invited to a royal memorial marking the first anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s death. The source stated that there were no plans for any public or private family gathering to mark the anniversary, contradicting reports that suggested otherwise.

Harry and Meghan’s exclusion from Trooping the Colour and other royal events highlights the ongoing tension between them and the royal family. Their recent trip to Nigeria, which resembled a traditional royal tour, reportedly angered Prince William and King Charles. Royal expert Tom Quinn noted that the couple’s actions seemed designed to give the impression that they are still active royals, which did not sit well with the rest of the family.

The Sussexes’ strained relationship with the royal family continues to be a topic of public interest. Their absence from key royal events and the lack of public acknowledgment from the Palace underscore the deep rift that remains. As Harry and Meghan navigate their new lives in California, their interactions with the royal family remain fraught with tension and controversy.

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