Caja Piura addresses clients on what will happen with loan payments and what the conditions will be.

Caja Piura addresses clients on what will happen with loan payments and what the conditions will be.

Caja Piura is currently facing a significant challenge as it aims to swiftly integrate clients from the recently intervened Caja Sullana. The latter was placed under administration by the Superintendence of Banks, Insurance, and AFP (SBS) due to a rapid decline in its solvency.

This transition has understandably created uncertainty among the former customers of Caja Sullana, who are now dealing with Caja Piura. Many have voiced their concerns, questioning the operational conditions they must adhere to, when they will be served, and from when they can start settling their debts.

On July 21, just two days after the announcement, Caja Piura reassured its new clients that they could carry out transactions without any issues starting Thursday, July 25. The institution also emphasized that all absorbed savings remain intact, alleviating any worries from the individuals involved.

“Estamos comprometidos a atenderles como nuestros nuevos clientes. A partir del 25 de julio, podrán realizar sus transacciones en nuestra red de oficinas. Todos sus ahorros y el historial de pagos de créditos están garantizados,” stated Caja Piura.

Regarding debt cancellation, clients can now make payments at various Caja Piura branches. Those wishing to pay off their existing debts or make partial payments can visit the nearest branch to complete the transactions.

"Los pagos de créditos ya se pueden realizar en las oficinas de Caja Piura. Todos los acordados con la ex Caja Sullana serán respetados. Agradecemos su paciencia en este proceso,” the communication said.

Jorge Carrillo Acosta from Pacífico Business School reiterated that the funds from Caja Sullana’s CTS accounts and term deposits have been fully transferred to Caja Piura. Consequently, clients will not experience any loss of capital or interest earned to date. As per the absorption agreement, Caja Piura is required to uphold the terms of the original loans, including payment amounts, interest rates, terms, currency, and guarantees.

Additionally, the savings conditions will mirror those offered by the intervened institution until the expiration of the relevant contracts.

For more information on financial services and updates, you can visit Banco Central de Reserva del Perú or Asociación de Bancos del Perú.

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