Carcedo (PSOE) claims that “Asturias has a strong government, with a clear roadmap and management that supports it.”

Carcedo (PSOE) claims that “Asturias has a strong government, with a clear roadmap and management that supports it.”

Dolores Carcedo, the spokesperson for the Socialist Group in the General Board of the Principality, stated on Sunday that "Asturias has a solid government with a clear roadmap and strong management to support it."

She emphasized that the past five years have seen significant progress, during which a robust political project has taken shape. Key policies have been implemented to transform Asturias, as highlighted by Carcedo in a press release.

The government’s actions, according to Carcedo, have been decisive. She pointed to tangible outcomes including attracting investments, fostering new transformative projects, improving the job market, boosting tourism, and providing crucial support to the industry. This support ensures that the industrial sector remains modern and competitive while maintaining a focus on protecting and enhancing high-quality public services.

"This track record shows we have a strong government that brings much-needed stability to Asturias," Carcedo stated. "This government stands with the people, assisting families and businesses, and offering solutions to their current challenges and future needs."

Carcedo also mentioned that the management carried out over the past five years lays a solid foundation for achieving new commitments planned for the coming months. These commitments include the signing of a new social concertation agreement, making early childhood education from zero to three years old free, processing new legislation regarding education, strategic projects, tourism law modification, and reorganizing the healthcare system, among others.

The Socialist parliamentary group is dedicated to this project, which they consider vital for Asturias. Carcedo asserted that dialogue and agreement will remain essential, as they have been thus far, to take decisive steps that benefit the interests of the people of Asturias. She concluded with a positive assessment of the group’s management compared to that of the Popular Party and Vox, which she criticized for fostering instability, ineffective governance, and questioning rights and freedoms.

For more information on policies affecting regional governance, consider visiting Open Government Partnership.

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