Career Day Highlights Job Options for Rowe Students

Career Day Highlights Job Options for Rowe Students

ROWE — Rowe Elementary School buzzed with excitement on Wednesday as students explored a variety of career paths during the annual “That’s a Cool Job” Day. The event, designed to introduce young minds to diverse professions, featured local professionals who shared their experiences and passion for their work.

Musician Sarah Pirtle captivated the students with her musical talents, demonstrating that a career in music can be both fulfilling and fun. Builder Sam Lane shared insights into the construction industry, sparking interest among students who might one day build the homes and structures of the future.

Potter Molly Cantor brought her pottery wheel, allowing students to get hands-on experience with clay. First graders Riley Shattuck and Ayla Findlay were particularly enthralled, with Riley expressing her admiration for the craft. “I like that job because it’s cool,” she said, her eyes lighting up as she shaped the clay.

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office also made an appearance, with preschooler Ronan Tanner eagerly trying on a gas mask. The interactive display provided a glimpse into the world of law enforcement, leaving a lasting impression on the young attendees.

Jessye Deane, executive director of the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce, engaged with preschooler Teddy Balawick, discussing the various aspects of her role. The conversation highlighted the importance of community involvement and the diverse opportunities available within the business sector.

Principal Bill Knittle emphasized the significance of the event, especially for students in a remote area like Rowe. “We feel like kids in a remote area like this, they see what their parents do, they see what their grandparents do, and that’s about it,” he explained. “I don’t think they have a sense for all the possibilities that exist out there. So we’re trying to bring the community into the school to connect people in the area to the school.”

The event also featured the Rowe Fire Department’s new fire truck, which was a hit among the students. Kindergartner Ronan Tanner was particularly inspired, exclaiming, “I wanna be a firefighter!” after being shown a stretcher.

Physical education teacher Brittani Sprague noted the enthusiasm of the students. “The job fair has been going really, really well and the kids have been really, really excited,” she said. The students moved eagerly from table to table, trying on various hats and exploring the different career options presented to them.

Sarah Pirtle’s table was a popular stop, with students fascinated by the traditional instruments she brought. First grader Walker Lane, who aspires to be a carpenter like his father, appreciated the opportunity to learn about different professions. “It’s cool that everybody gets to show their jobs,” he said.

The return of “That’s a Cool Job” Day after a pandemic-induced hiatus was a welcome event for both students and staff. With eleven tables set up, the gymnasium was a hub of activity, showcasing careers ranging from nature conservation to cartooning.

The event underscored the importance of exposing children to a wide range of career possibilities, helping them to envision their future paths. By bringing the community into the school, Rowe Elementary is fostering a sense of connection and possibility among its students, encouraging them to dream big and explore the many opportunities that lie ahead.

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