Carrie Preston Discusses Season 2 of Elsbeth

Carrie Preston Discusses Season 2 of Elsbeth

Carrie Preston is gearing up for an exciting second season of her CBS show, “Elsbeth,” and she promises fans will get to know Elsbeth Tascioni much better. The actress, who is currently at the Monte Carlo TV Festival, shared some insights with Deadline about what viewers can expect.

CBS has renewed “Elsbeth” for the 2024-2025 season, and the upcoming season will feature 20 episodes, doubling the count from the first season. Preston mentioned that while the show will maintain its procedural format, there will be plenty of twists to keep the audience on their toes. “You’re going to enjoy the structure of the how-done-it, but expect some surprises,” she said. “The writers are ensuring there’s freshness so people don’t get too comfortable.”

The series follows Elsbeth Tascioni, a brilliant and unconventional attorney who relocates from Chicago to work with the NYPD. Each episode reveals the killer at the start, allowing for a unique storytelling approach. Season one featured guest stars like Keegan-Michael Key, Elizabeth Lail, and Laura Benati, and Preston hinted that the success of the show might attract even more high-profile actors.

When asked about her dream guest star, Preston didn’t hold back. “Meryl Streep, if you’re around and want to be on CBS, we’d love to have you,” she said with a laugh.

Preston believes the show’s format is a significant factor in its success. “It has an old-school structure, like Columbo. It’s comforting for people to know who the killer is from the start. They can just enjoy the ride,” she explained.

Elsbeth Tascioni is a character that has appeared in “The Good Wife” and “The Good Fight” over a span of 14 years. In her own show, viewers will get a deeper look into her personal life. “Even though we always have a case, we’ll be learning more about her personal life,” Preston said. “The writers are willing to take moments in each episode to explore Elsbeth’s out-of-work life.”

The show is described as an “extension” rather than a spin-off from “The Good Wife” and “The Good Fight.” Preston noted that her role in “Elsbeth” feels different because the writing is different. “I was often brought on to lighten the mood in ‘The Good Wife’ and ‘The Good Fight.’ Now, Elsbeth’s new job as a detective feels different, and the writing reflects that,” she said.

The first season of “Elsbeth” ended on a high note, with the titular lawyer securing a permanent position with the NYPD. This development sets the stage for more intriguing storylines in the upcoming season. Preston discussed how the finale allowed her to explore a more vulnerable side of Elsbeth. “It was refreshing to see Elsbeth not immediately have an accurate hunch about the killer. It added humanity and flaws to her character,” she said.

Preston also touched on the evolving relationship between Elsbeth and Captain Wagner. “I hope they are in a good place now, but Wagner felt extremely betrayed. It will be interesting to see how that plays out,” she said.

The friendship between Elsbeth and Officer Kaya Blanke was another highlight of the season. “Carra Patterson, who plays Kaya, is a wonderful actor with a big heart. Our scenes together, especially in the finale, were very resonant,” Preston said.

Shooting the fashion show scenes in the finale was a unique experience for Preston. “We had a runway model as our consultant, and it was nerve-wracking but fun. It made me respect what models do,” she said.

As Elsbeth settles into her new life in New York, Preston believes the character is invigorated by the change. “She’s so excited about this new life that it outweighs any sadness or homesickness she might feel,” she said.

Preston also hinted at the possibility of meeting Elsbeth’s son in future episodes. “I think it’s fun to leave it to the audience’s imagination, but if they find someone great, I’d be excited to meet him,” she said.

When asked about her husband, Michael Emerson, potentially joining the show, Preston was enthusiastic. “He’s very good at playing evil characters, but it would be fun to see him in a different role. He loves the show and would be open to doing an episode or two,” she said.

Preston praised the rotating ensemble of characters in “Elsbeth,” comparing them to the well-drawn judges and lawyers in “The Good Wife” and “The Good Fight.” “We’ve gotten really lucky with these characters, and I hope we’ll see them again,” she said.

As “Elsbeth” prepares for its second season, fans can look forward to more twists, deeper character exploration, and possibly some exciting guest stars. With Carrie Preston at the helm, the show promises to continue delivering its unique blend of mystery and humor.

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