Catalan PP on Sánchez-Aragonès meeting: “It’s almost the final act of a play”

Catalan PP on Sánchez-Aragonès meeting: “It’s almost the final act of a play”

The spokesperson for the Popular Party (PP) in the Catalan Parliament, Juan Fernández, stated that the upcoming meeting between Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and acting President Pere Aragonès in Barcelona feels like the concluding act of a long-running play. He claimed that Sánchez is not there to support the opposition leader, Illa, but to prioritize his own interests. According to Fernández, Sánchez’s focus is not on the welfare of Spain as a whole, but rather on appeasing the base of the ERC party.

With only a month left to avoid another election round, Fernández expressed concerns about what Sánchez might be willing to concede to maintain his position. He suggested that Sánchez would do whatever is necessary to stay in power, even if it means compromising the interests of the citizens.

Fernández also criticized the recent agreement between the government and the Catalan Generalitat regarding a payment of 1.5 billion euros. He argued that this money stems from coercive tactics rather than a genuine concern for the public.

In response, Aragonès expressed disappointment that his proposal for a plenary session to discuss the situation in Catalonia had been rejected. He accused the PSC, Junts, and ERC parties of opposing the discussion because they do not genuinely care about the issues faced by citizens.

Aragonès emphasized the need for the acting government to present itself immediately in Parliament, reminding everyone that it is an active governing body, not on a break. He concluded that scrutiny of the government is essential for the effective functioning of Catalonia.

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