CCA Consulting | Profile

CCA Consulting | Profile

Julián Majul discusses the services offered by his consulting firm, which specializes in providing management information and strategic advice for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The firm focuses on financial analysis and growth strategies, acting as an administrative manager. This includes organizing staff roles, training employees, and handling outsourced tasks like invoice entry and bank reconciliations. Additionally, they provide tools comparable to those used by multinational companies.

Looking ahead to 2024, Majul envisions a challenging landscape but also sees opportunities for growth. The Argentine economy faces inflation and political uncertainty; however, some sectors are showing resilience. He believes the worst of the situation has passed, with improvements in government stability, and he hopes that positive macroeconomic indicators will translate into better everyday realities for the population.

When asked about the main reasons SMEs fail, Majul notes that a lack of planning for resources and expenses is often a fatal mistake. Other contributing factors include ignorance of the market, misunderstanding customer needs, poor cost management, a negative work environment, ineffective inventory control, and the absence of a strategic plan.

His consultancy aims to assist SMEs in enhancing their management by providing detailed data and analysis. This support helps businesses make informed decisions, uncover growth opportunities, streamline internal processes, and increase operational efficiency. The team works closely with clients to create tailored strategies that align with each company’s unique needs and objectives.

Majul highlights that their firm stands out due to its personalized approach and deep understanding of SMEs. They tailor solutions to the specific characteristics of each business and leverage the expertise of a diverse team to offer specialized insights.

Looking to the future, Majul expects a rise in demand for specialized consulting for SMEs, particularly in areas like digitalization, sustainability, and operational efficiency. Companies are increasingly recognizing the value of strategic insights to navigate a complex economic environment.

Majul shares that the inspiration behind starting his consultancy stemmed from observing that many Latin American SMEs struggle with planning and control. While owners often excel in technical and sales skills, they typically lack internal management knowledge. His firm aims to provide tools for more efficient management and informed strategic decision-making.

His consultancy serves a variety of industries, working with businesses involved in transactions of goods and services, including manufacturing, retail, technology, and beyond. This broad expertise allows them to deliver valuable economic and financial advice to SMEs across various sectors.

For those looking to get in touch, the contact details are as follows: Phone: 3513 89-4695, Email: [email protected], Website:, Instagram: @tu_pyme_exitosa, YouTube:


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