Centro Democrático criticizes government over UNP vehicles scandal with dissidents

Centro Democrático criticizes government over UNP vehicles scandal with dissidents

The Centro Democrático, an opposition party to President Gustavo Petro’s government, released a strong statement regarding a recent incident involving members of a dissident group of the FARC traveling in a convoy. This group included individuals like alias Calarcá and Édgar Orrego Arango, alias Firu, who is not part of any negotiations with the government.

The convoy, which was using vehicles from the National Protection Unit (UNP), was intercepted by the National Army on the Medellín-Anorí route. This led to some confusion, as the occupants of the vehicles refused to exit until they were moved to the Pedro Nel Ospina Battalion in Bello, Antioquia. Here, the authorities apprehended the individual with an active arrest warrant, read him his rights, and proceeded to determine his legal situation. Along with this arrest, alias Érika, who is linked to the same dissident group as Firu, was also captured, and $60 million was found in the vehicles.

The Centro Democrático, associated with former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, expressed its concerns through social media, calling for public explanations regarding the incident. Several party members and political figures critical of the current administration echoed the demand for transparency concerning the UNP’s handling of security protocols.

The party’s official statement read, “The government must provide clear and urgent answers to the country about the UNP vehicle convoy that was allegedly transporting FARC dissidents. Even more serious is the fact that some occupants may have outstanding arrest warrants. We support our Army’s quick action in detecting and stopping the convoy.”

Senator Paola Holguín also voiced her support for the Army, emphasizing that “Total Peace should not equate to total impunity, as it does not supersede the Constitution and the law.” Another congresswoman from the same party, Paloma Valencia, shared her disappointment that she needed to urge the government not to release a dangerous criminal apprehended by the armed forces.

In light of this incident in Antioquia and following Firu’s arrest, Interior Minister Juan Fernando Cristo commented on the situation. He clarified that while some dissidents in the convoy may have had suspended arrest warrants, others could still be subject to arrest. He stated, “It seems that the majority, if not all, of them have suspended arrest warrants, but one member of the dissidence does have an active warrant. We are investigating the entire situation to determine if there was any misuse of government vehicles.”

Cristo expressed his strong disapproval of such actions, stating, “It is unacceptable for a government initiative aimed at guaranteeing peace negotiations to be misused. The government rejects this behavior and will demand explanations from the dissidents at the negotiating table.”

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2024/07/23/centro-democratico-se-despacho-contra-el-gobierno-tras-escandalo-de-vehiculos-de-la-unp-con-disidentes-de-las-farc/

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