Chef Gordon Ramsay Credits Helmet for Survival After Bike Crash

Chef Gordon Ramsay Credits Helmet for Survival After Bike Crash

Chef Gordon Ramsay Credits Helmet for Survival After Bike Crash

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay recently experienced a harrowing bike crash, and he attributes his survival to the helmet he was wearing. In a heartfelt video shared with his 17 million Instagram followers, Ramsay expressed his gratitude for the protective gear that likely saved his life.

“You know how much I love cycling and triathlons and Ironman et cetera, and this week, unfortunately, I had a really bad accident,” Ramsay said. “It really shook me, and honestly, I’m lucky to be here.”

The 57-year-old chef did not suffer any broken bones but displayed a significant bruise across his torso. His hands visibly trembled as he recounted the incident. While specific details of the crash were not disclosed, Ramsay was taken to Lawrence + Memorial Hospital in New London for medical attention.

“Those incredible trauma surgeons, doctors, nurses in the hospitals looked after me this week. They were amazing, but honestly, you’ve got to wear helmets,” Ramsay emphasized. “These helmets cost money, but they’re crucial.”

Ramsay described his recovery as a “brutal week,” noting that he is “sort of getting through it.” The video elicited an outpouring of support from former contestants on his various cooking shows.

Jordan Torrey, a contestant on “Next Level Chef” and spouse of makeup mogul Jaclyn Hill, commented, “The way my heart sank when you lifted your shirt!! The world needs you, chef!” Torrey added, “Beyond happy to hear you are going to be okay and thank God for that helmet! Happy Father’s Day and speedy recovery, goat!”

Mada Abdelhamid, another “Next Level Chef” contestant and personal trainer to Jason Momoa, also extended his well-wishes for a swift recovery.

Ramsay’s experience serves as a stark reminder of the importance of wearing helmets while cycling. His message underscores the life-saving potential of this simple yet essential piece of equipment. As he continues to recover, Ramsay’s fans and followers are undoubtedly relieved that their beloved chef is on the mend.

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