Chen Baekhyun And Xiumin Confirm Continuation Of EXO Group Activities With SM

Chen Baekhyun And Xiumin Confirm Continuation Of EXO Group Activities With SM

Chen Baekhyun And Xiumin Confirm Continuation Of EXO Group Activities With SM

In a significant development for K-pop fans, EXO members Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin have confirmed their commitment to continue group activities with SM Entertainment. This announcement comes after a period of legal disputes and contract renegotiations between the artists and their agency.

Earlier this year, the trio, who also perform as EXO-CBX, took legal action against SM Entertainment. They cited issues such as lack of payment transparency and excessively long contract terms. The legal representation for the artists, Lin Law Firm, initially described these agreements as “slave contracts.”

Despite the tension, both parties have now reached a mutual understanding. According to a joint statement shared by SM Entertainment and the three artists, the misunderstandings have been resolved through effective communication. The statement emphasized that the artists and the agency have agreed to continue their collaboration, ensuring that EXO’s activities will proceed more actively and consistently.

SM Entertainment confirmed the news to Billboard, stating that the exclusive contracts with Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin will remain intact. The agency also acknowledged that certain parts of the contracts have been modified to better align with the interests of both parties. However, specific details of these modifications were not disclosed.

Throughout the dispute, Lin Law Firm kept the media updated with press releases, while SM Entertainment remained relatively silent. The agency later issued an apology for previously claiming that new agencies were attempting to lure the artists into signing secondary contracts. This claim was based on incorrect information, as clarified in a joint statement with the EXO members.

Looking ahead, EXO is set to release their seventh full-length album, “EXIST,” on July 10. Despite the ongoing legal issues, the group has already released a buzz single, “Let Me In,” on June 12. The music video for the single features eight of the nine EXO members, indicating that the group is moving forward with their plans.

Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin have reassured fans that their conflict with SM Entertainment will not affect EXO’s group activities. In a statement shared with various media outlets, including Tenasia, the artists confirmed their dedication to participating in EXO’s full group promotions. They emphasized that the dispute over contract terms has no bearing on their commitment to the group’s activities.

Earlier reports suggested that EXO’s winter album might be in jeopardy due to the conflict. However, both the artists and SM Entertainment have clarified that plans for the album are still in place. SM Entertainment stated that there have been no changes to the plan for releasing new music, reaffirming their commitment to the group’s future projects.

In a press conference held on June 10, representatives of Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin detailed SM Entertainment’s alleged breach of settlement terms. The following day, media reports indicated that discussions about the winter album had been ongoing since the beginning of the year. Despite the legal dispute, the artists’ agency, INB100, released a statement confirming that the conflict would not impact EXO’s group activities.

The statement from INB100 reiterated that the press conference was held to address the unfair requirement for the artists to pay 10% of their individual earnings to SM Entertainment. The agency emphasized that this issue is separate from the continuation of EXO’s full group activities. Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin have promised to earnestly participate in EXO’s future projects with SM Entertainment.

As the situation unfolds, fans can look forward to new music and performances from EXO. The resolution of the contract dispute marks a new chapter for the group, with both the artists and the agency committed to working together for the success of their future endeavors.

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