Chinatown 50th Anniversary 4K Ultra HD Review

Chinatown 50th Anniversary 4K Ultra HD Review

### Chinatown 50th Anniversary 4K Ultra HD Review


“Chinatown” is a film that has captivated audiences for half a century. Directed by Roman Polanski and featuring an unforgettable performance by Jack Nicholson, the movie has become a staple in the world of cinema. With its 50th anniversary, a new 4K UHD Blu-ray edition has been released, offering fans and newcomers alike an opportunity to experience this classic in unprecedented quality. This review delves into the film’s timeless appeal and the technical aspects of this new release.

**The Film**

Jack Nicholson stars as private investigator Jake Gittes, who navigates the morally ambiguous landscape of pre-war Southern California. Hired by a socialite, played by Faye Dunaway, to investigate her husband’s infidelity, Gittes finds himself entangled in a web of deceit and corruption. The film’s narrative is a masterclass in noir storytelling, filled with twists, turns, and double-crossings that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Noir films are known for their complex characters and intricate plots, and “Chinatown” is no exception. The film’s direction, writing, and performances create a dark, cynical atmosphere that is both compelling and unsettling. Polanski’s portrayal of Los Angeles is almost bleak, reflecting the film’s themes of corruption and moral decay.

Jake Gittes is a fascinating character, a vain and cynical detective who is confident in his abilities but unaware of the depth of the conspiracy he is uncovering. His interactions with Evelyn Mulwray, played by Dunaway, add layers of complexity to the story. The film’s climax is both shocking and heartbreaking, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

**Technical Aspects**

The 4K UHD Blu-ray edition of “Chinatown” offers a stunning visual and auditory experience. The film has been encoded in HEVC / H.265 with a resolution of 4K (2160p) and an aspect ratio of 2.39:1. The HDR is presented in Dolby Vision, enhancing the film’s visual depth and color reproduction.

**Clarity and Detail**

The clarity of the 4K transfer is exceptional, with fine details visible in the vintage clothing, desert scenes, and lush estates. While some lens-based soft moments are present, they are a part of the film’s original 70s aesthetic and do not detract from the overall experience. The depth of the film is also impressive, providing a sense of scale that enhances the viewing experience.

**Black Levels and Color Reproduction**

Black levels are handled with care, maintaining detail in the shadows without any moments of crush. The film’s color palette is intentionally muted, reflecting the faded look of the era. Despite this, the colors appear healthy and vibrant, from the golden hues of the desert to the rich tones of the interiors and clothing.

**Flesh Tones and Noise**

Flesh tones are sharp and natural, with no digital scrubbing, preserving the film’s original texture. The natural film grain is present, adding to the authenticity of the viewing experience.

**Audio Quality**

The audio is presented in English Dolby TrueHD 5.1 and 2.0 Mono, with subtitles available in English SDH, French, and Spanish. The 5.1 mix, though recycled from previous releases, is well-suited for the film’s dialogue-driven nature. The music, composed by Jerry Goldsmith, is the most dynamic element, enhancing the film’s atmosphere. Surround sound is used sparingly, with ambient sounds and effects subtly integrated into the mix.


The 50th-anniversary edition includes a wealth of bonus content, both new and legacy features. New additions include:

– **A State of Mind: Author Sam Wasson on Chinatown**: Film historian Sam Wasson discusses the film’s importance and legacy.
– **Chinatown Memories**: Producer Hawk Koch shares stories from his time as assistant director on the film.
– **The Trilogy That Never Was**: Wasson discusses the planned third installment of the Jake Gittes series.

Legacy features include commentary by screenwriter Robert Towne with David Fincher, various featurettes on the making and legacy of the film, and a theatrical trailer. Additionally, the underrated sequel “The Two Jakes” is included on a separate Blu-ray disc.


“Chinatown” remains a cinematic masterpiece, and this 50th-anniversary 4K UHD edition is a must-have for film enthusiasts. The film’s intricate plot, compelling characters, and atmospheric direction make it a timeless classic. The new 4K transfer enhances the visual and auditory experience, allowing viewers to appreciate the film in a new light. With a comprehensive set of bonus features, this edition is a fitting tribute to one of the greatest films ever made.

Source: Adam Toroni-Byrne, David Krauss

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