Chrissy Teigen Responds to Dirty Bath Water Video Controversy

Chrissy Teigen Responds to Dirty Bath Water Video Controversy

Chrissy Teigen has once again found herself at the center of a social media storm, this time over a video showing her in a bathtub filled with murky, brown water. The clip, posted by her husband John Legend on Instagram, was intended to promote his skincare line, Loved01. However, it quickly sparked controversy among fans and followers.

In the video, Teigen is seen scrubbing her skin, explaining that the water appears dirty because she is washing off body makeup. She specifically mentions using Loved01’s Exfoliating Cleanser, a product from Legend’s skincare brand, which was launched in January 2023. Despite her clarification, many viewers expressed their disgust and questioned why she didn’t opt for a shower instead.

The backlash was swift and intense. Some fans were concerned about the appearance of the bathwater, suggesting it looked unsanitary and unhealthy. Comments flooded in, with one user stating, “IDGAF if it is makeup. It looks dirty,” while another added, “That water really is disgusting though, whether it’s exfoliating, body makeup or whatever. Yikes!”

Others took issue with the fact that Legend chose to share such a personal moment on social media. “This could’ve stayed in John’s phone,” one commenter declared, while another questioned, “Why? Why are we seeing your wife naked?” The sentiment was echoed by several others who felt the video was inappropriate for public sharing.

However, not all reactions were negative. A significant number of fans came to Teigen’s defense, pointing out that the context provided in the video was clear. “I was concerned for a minute about the color of that water – which is why listening and reading is necessary,” one supporter noted. Another added, “Wow, people really don’t read or listen do they,” emphasizing the importance of understanding the full context before jumping to conclusions.

Teigen herself responded to the criticism on her Instagram Story, addressing a fan who suggested she should take a shower next time. “The water is dirty because I’m getting my body makeup off, like I said in the video my sweet angels,” she reiterated, attempting to quell the backlash.

The controversy highlights the ongoing scrutiny Teigen faces on social media. Her relationship with online platforms has been tumultuous, with past incidents of cyberbullying and accusations of copying a New Zealand small business adding to her contentious history. In 2021, resurfaced tweets revealed that Teigen had bullied media personality Courtney Stodden, leading to significant backlash and the loss of business deals.

Despite the negative attention, Teigen has continued to maintain a strong presence on social media, often sharing candid moments from her life with her millions of followers. Her openness and honesty have garnered both admiration and criticism, making her a polarizing figure in the public eye.

The recent bathwater video serves as a reminder of the fine line celebrities walk when sharing personal content online. While some fans appreciate the transparency and product promotion, others feel certain moments should remain private. The mixed reactions to Teigen’s video underscore the challenges of navigating public perception in the age of social media.

As the controversy unfolds, it remains to be seen how it will impact Teigen and Legend’s brand. Loved01, designed specifically for melanin-rich skin, aims to provide quality skincare at an affordable price. The video was intended to highlight the effectiveness of the Exfoliating Cleanser, but the backlash may overshadow the product’s intended promotion.

For now, Teigen continues to stand by her explanation, hoping that fans will understand the context and purpose behind the video. Whether the controversy will die down or continue to spark debate remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: Chrissy Teigen’s presence on social media will always be a topic of discussion.

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