Comedians Forced to Rewrite Edinburgh Festival Scripts After Surprise Election

Comedians Forced to Rewrite Edinburgh Festival Scripts After Surprise Election

Comedians Forced to Rewrite Edinburgh Festival Scripts After Surprise Election

Emma Sidi, set to perform as chief Partygate investigator Sue Gray at this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe, found herself in a bind when a surprise election was announced. Sidi’s show, a surreal political comedy, features characters like Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. She, like many, expected the election in autumn, but the early announcement forced a major rewrite.

Nish Kumar, a seasoned political comedian, also anticipated an October election. “I was working under the assumption that I would be rewriting for an election that would be called in October,” he said. “But what we all didn’t take into account is that Rishi Sunak has absolutely no idea how politics works.”

Matt Forde, another political satirist, was caught off guard. His new show, which anticipated the end of a political era, now faces the challenge of staying relevant post-election. “The challenge is not knowing the result yet. I’m writing about stuff that’s happening in the election but once we’re on the other side, it will feel quite dated,” he said.

Both Sidi and Kumar agree that jokes about Liz Truss will be the first to go. “By the time I go on tour, she’ll be two prime ministers ago,” Kumar noted. Sidi’s earlier version of the show featured Truss heavily, but audience interest waned as time passed.

Despite the challenges, the comedians see opportunities. Sidi’s character, Sue Gray, remains intriguing due to her mysterious public persona. Kumar plans to create new jokes weekly, focusing on the long-term failures of the Conservative government. Forde believes that digging into the character of politicians can make material last longer.

The election announcement has added excitement to this year’s fringe. Forde “squealed with delight” at the news, seeing it as a creative opportunity. Sidi hopes for a new government, both for her show’s sake and the country’s. Kumar, reflecting on his career, is ready for change, even if it means giving up his professional success.

Source: The Guardian

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