Córdoba: De Loredo raised concerns about a “massive tax hike” on Gross Income, and was reminded it’s the “fiscal package” he voted for.

Córdoba: De Loredo raised concerns about a “massive tax hike” on Gross Income, and was reminded it’s the “fiscal package” he voted for.

National Deputy Rodrigo de Loredo, who leads the UCR bloc in the National Congress, has strongly criticized the recent decree that increases the monthly amounts of Income Tax for workers enrolled in the simplified tax regime, known as monotributo. Officials from the province clarified that these actions are part of the “fiscal package” that De Loredo himself voted in favor of in Congress.

On social media, De Loredo referred to the new measure as an “impuestazo,” or tax hike, asserting that it primarily affects small merchants and informal workers. The decree, issued last Friday, adjusts the monthly payments that contributors to the Simplified Income Tax Regime must make based on their category within the monotributo system. This adjustment has led to increases between 180% and 240% for the provincial component of the Income Tax.

The monthly fee for contributors includes the integrated tax, retirement contributions, and payments for health services. In Córdoba, where the Unified Monotributo is applied, the monthly payment also incorporates the Income Tax and a municipal fee for economic activity, referred to as Commerce and Industry.

The tax amounts have seen significant hikes: for example, category A now pays up to $6,750, category B up to $11,770, and category C up to $15,740, while category K reaches $123,680. These changes were enacted through a decree from Governor Martín Llaryora.

De Loredo criticized the tax increase, pointing out that it disproportionately burdens those in lower categories. He remarked, “With this tax hike on Income Tax for monotributistas, they cleverly make you pay more in the lower categories. The regressiveness is total. For instance, category A pays $3,000 in monotributo taxes and $6,750 in Income Tax. In the lowest category, the taxpayer pays more than double in provincial taxes.”

He emphasized that the increase predominantly affects the lower categories, categorizing the measure as “regressive.” According to him, contributors in lower tax brackets bear more than double the provincial tax burden, while higher categories see a shift in fiscal responsibility towards federal taxes.

Additionally, De Loredo pointed out that the Income Tax is detrimental as it taxes revenue rather than profit, negatively impacting smaller businesses and raising costs for consumers.

In response, provincial officials stated that the new tax rates are a result of changes in the fiscal package that De Loredo approved, which include adjustments to billing amounts. They explained that these changes lead to category transfers and shifts from the general tax regime to monotributo, all aligned with the current tax laws, similar to procedures enacted in 2021.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/cordoba/cordoba-de-loredo-alerto-por-un-impuestazo-en-ingresos-brutos-y-le-respondieron-que-es-el-paquete-fiscal-que-voto-el-diputado.phtml

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