Córdoba: Man Reported for Harassing a Young Woman and Two Teenagers at a Mall

Córdoba: Man Reported for Harassing a Young Woman and Two Teenagers at a Mall

Last Wednesday, around 9 PM, a troubling incident occurred at Patio Olmos Shopping. A man was reported for harassing a 20-year-old woman and two underage girls.

The three young women were at the shopping center to play bowling when the man began to assault them.

The accused exposed himself to the girls on an escalator, approached one of them inappropriately, and even chased them to the restroom. Once there, he stood at the door and masturbated while waiting for them. The entire incident was captured on video.

After the harassment, the victims alerted the shopping mall security, who promptly intervened and removed the man from the premises. However, he was not detained.

This case has been reported to the authorities, and the Sexual Integrity Crimes Prosecutor’s Office is now handling the investigation. According to one of the parents of the affected girls, the mall’s security camera footage has been seized to help identify the man and gather additional evidence of the incident.

One of the parents expressed the unsettling reality of the situation, stating, “It’s crazy not to feel safe in an amusement area of a shopping mall. This didn’t happen in a neighborhood park at 10 PM. One tends to feel secure in such places, but the truth is, that’s not the case.”

It’s worth noting that the girls had planned to engage in the same activity as Catalina Gutiérrez that night, accompanied by friends and her boyfriend. Sadly, their plans were disrupted when Catalina fell victim to a femicide at the hands of Néstor Soto.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/cordoba/cordoba-denuncian-a-un-hombre-por-acosar-a-una-joven-y-dos-adolescentes-en-un-shopping.phtml

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